Bolt Action

Goonhammer Historicals: Mugginns’ AdeptiCon 2022 Experience – Bolt Action, Lard America, SAGA

I got back from AdeptiCon 2022 last Tuesday night and wanted to share all my experiences, purchases, and photos taken! I spent most of my time in the Historicals hall at the Hyatt Regency, but much of my time...

Getting Started with Bolt Action

So the title of this article probably gives some of the game away, but what is Bolt Action? Ilor: Bolt Action is a tabletop wargame set in the Second World War. It simulates tactical actions at roughly the platoon level,...

Review: Campaign Stalingrad by Warlord Games

Disclaimer: The supplement in this review was provided to by Warlord Games.  Stalingrad is one of the most iconic locations of the second world war, and one of the few from the Eastern Front to have gained much traction...

WW2 On the Eastern Front: The Slovak Fast Division

One of the coolest parts of WW2 gaming is how many different armies, regiments, countries, etc. took part in the fighting. Britain and France had so many different colonial forces. Germany had many different allies (many of them unwilling)....