Bolt Action

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix T34

Last week I reviewed the Victrix 12mm/1:144 Soviet Infantry, and this week it's the turn of the stalwart workhorse of the Red Army - the T34. Before diving in, we’d like to thank Victrix for sending these over for review. There's...

Goonhammer Historicals: Color Modulation and Weathering on Soviet Bolt Action Tanks

I have painted a ton of tanks but until now I've been mostly focusing on the techniques I already knew - washes, sponge weathering, pigments etc. I've been reading a ton of  high level painting magazines and books lately. A lot of the techniques and products being used on 1/35 scale hyper-detailed models...

Goonhammer Historicals: Wargames Atlantic French Infantry (1916-1940) Review

This week the Goonhammer Historicals crew turned their (somewhat) expert eyes to the French Infantry (1916-1940) plastic kit. This is a versatile kit with a lot of options, so along with a review of the models we’ll take a...

How to paint everything: WW2 era Grigio Verde Uniforms

Italy might have had a relatively minor part to play in WW2 compared to many of the staple armies you see on the gaming table but they have a  remain one of the bigger factions in Wargaming and quite...

Goonhammer Historicals: Mecha throughout History

Mechs? In My Historicals? It's more likely than you think! Mechs belong in Historicals because the beginning of Mecha culture is 100% certainly, absolutely and uncontrovertibly our domain. We could cite Leonardo Da Vinci's clockwork knight, Bacon's terrifying and metaphorical...

Goonhammer Historicals: Mugginns’ Days Out At AdeptiCon – Sharp Practice, Chain of Command, Lard America, Bolt Action!

As most wargamers will know, AdeptiCon 2023 took place last week / weekend and it was a great time. Over 6,500 gamers played in 735 events - it certainly felt like the biggest ever, with the parking lot full...

Goonhammer Historicals: Rating the Army Special Rules in Bolt Action

Alex: I suppose if you come into historical gaming via Warhammer the idea of different armies having unique special rules wouldn't raise an eyebrow, but when you stop and think about it, it is kind of odd. Humans are...

The Soviet Women’s Rifle Brigade – Army Showcase and History

It’s time for something a little different than our regularly scheduled content, a historicals project showcase. This week we’ve got HardyRoach showing off his 28mm Soviet women’s platoon and running down some of the history behind it.  As a historicals...

Goonhammer Historicals: Movement Roundtable

Welcome to Historical Roundtables, our regular column where the Goonhammer Historicals team gets together to talk over a particular aspect of historical wargaming. They’ll share their insights, recommendations and warnings about the best way to engage with the hobby....

Bolt Action: Your next steps

So you've read Getting Started with Bolt Action. You checked out Bolt Action at Adepticon, then you salivated over gorgeous models in our reviews of Panthers and Stukas. How do you go from all that to a fully functioning Bolt...