board games

Salt & Sass Episode XXX: Bitoku Resutoran, Junk Drawer, Chomp, Next Station Tokyo, Arabella 18xx, and Ancient Realm

In Episode XXX, Mandi and Suzanne chat about Bitoku Resutoran, Junk Drawer, Chomp, Next Station Tokyo, Arabella 18xx, and Ancient Realm. Staying in the spirit of the season... the Game Pie of the show is full of Games that...

Games Industry News Roundup – October 3, 2023

News. Everything, everywhere, coming at us from every horrifying angle all at once -- it’s the news, baby. Breaking news, mysterious developing news, Huey Lewis based Sports! news, and sweet fluff stories about cute cats and friendly grandmas followed immediately...

The Big and Small of Gen Con – Turn Order

I recently returned from Gen Con 2023 in Indianapolis, Indiana.  If you don’t know, this convention is the largest of its kind in the US, and one of the biggest in the world, and is so big in fact...

Danger Planet: Vagrantsong Expansion Announcement: The Best Boss Battler in the Business Just Got Even Better Wyrd Games' Vagrantsong - the best train-based hobo-ghost boss battler of 2021 - is getting not one but two expansions: Encore and Off the Rails!  With a Kickstarter launching on September 19, don't miss out on the next chapter of...

CGE at Gen Con: An Interview with Czech Games Edition – Turn Order

I sat down with Nathan Meunier from CGE after working my way through a very long line of hopefuls trying to get a limited early copy of Lost Ruins of Arnak: The Missing Expedition. I wound my way through...

Careen Joyfully into Valhalla in Thunder Road: Vendetta | Turn Order

It was not very long into my first play of Thunder Road: Vendetta before I started regretting my Kickstarter pledge. Like many of Restoration Games’ titles Thunder Road: Vendetta was launched via Kickstarter, and I rarely back games anymore....

Frosthaven: The Newest Chapter in the Gloomhaven Universe

If you're at all plugged into the board gaming world you've probably heard a little bit about a game called Gloomhaven and it's new sequel Frosthaven. These are now huge games, literally and figuratively, but it wasn't always that way. While not...

Arrakis: Dawn of the Fremen Empowers Players to Change the Rules

Arrakis: Dawn of the Fremen is one of a large pile of Dune board games taking advantage of the hype surrounding Villaneuve’s two-part film epic. In a lot of irrelevent ways it’s just like the rest. Players collect spice,...

Goonhammer Historicals: Wargaming Boardgaming with Ottoman Sunset

Earlier this week, our comrade and fellow writer Summer interviewed Mugginns and I for a Meet the Team: Historicals article. Not one to pass up any opportunity for self promotion, I immediately checked the comments - and one suggested...

Games For Young Kids: Zombie Kidz Evolution Introduces Legacy Mechanics

It's been a while since I've written about picking up a new board game for my family and that's not a coincidence - we've entered into a bit of a rough spot with regard to board games for my...