board games

Fantasy Realms: A Touch of Magic (the Gathering) – Turn Order

Ask me if I like Magic the Gathering (MtG) and I'll say, "of course." But ask me if I like playing Magic the Gathering and I'll say: "absolutely not." I like the idea of MtG. I appreciate the game's design,...

Doomsday: Space Marine’s Day Out – Turn Order

Launching alongside Fire Team is another Space Marine themed board game aimed at a more casual crowd. While Fire Team is a competitive game aimed at streamlining the feel of Kill Team for the non-wargaming crowd, Doomsday feels like...

We Bear Bears – A Turn Order Review of Barenpark

There are a few game terms you’ll encounter when talking to board gamers about the type of games to play on a given evening: filler, entry, heavy, euro, ameritrash, abstract strategy, card-based, etc. Those are the fairly common genres,...

Games for Young Kids: Charlie’s Colorforms Silly Faces and Magna Tiles Treasure Hunt

It's been more than a month and we're overdue for more reviews of games for younger children. Like a good absentee parent I'm making it up to you by bribing you with gifts - today I'll be talking about...

Games for Young Kids: Outfoxed!

I wasn't planning on making my foray into games for younger children a monthly column but here we are. Going to the game store with my four year-old son has been an interesting exercise; while staying socially distant there's...

What’s the Best Board Game to ever win the Spiel des Jahres?

First awarded in 1979, the Spiel des Jahres (German for “Game of the Year”) is an annual prize awarded to “analogue tabletop games in German-speaking countries,” chosen based on their concept, rules, design, and presentation. It’s the boardgame equivalent...

Games for Young Kids: Rhino Hero Super Battle Review

I've written before about the challenges of introducing a small child to board games, specifically in my review of Dragon's Breath, another HABA game designed for young players. In the short time since that was written my four year-old son...

King’s Dilemma Is Incredible Until the Ending, but Whose Fault is That? – Turn Order

Back in September, my 5-person board game group and I escaped our quarantines (after isolation and COVID tests) to hunker down for a 3-day micro "convention". While we played a few different things, the crown jewel of the event...

Games for Young Kids: Dragon’s Breath Review

One of the more hit-or-miss aspects of being a parent with a young child is the introduction to games. As an avid gamer I'm incredibly eager to introduce my son to the games I love, but given that he...

Goonhammer Holiday Gift Guide: Board Games

With the 2020 holidays nearly upon us, it’s time to talk about gifts. Whether you’re shopping for a loved one or a Secret Santa recipient, trying to keep things lowkey or looking to splurge, or just grabbing something for...