board games

Over the Riverfolk and Through the Underground, A Turn Order Review of Root’s First Expansion

Welcome back, intrepid Woodland Warriors, to another edition of Turn Order Talks Root (that’s not real, I just made it up. Darn, it’s kinda catchy). Previously, we reviewed Root, and then discussed what COIN and Wargames are, how Root...

Necromolds Brings the Play-Doh Skirmish Warfare of your 90’s Kid Dreams – Turn Order

We return to Turn Order this week, wading through punched sheets of tokens and tripping over box lids, with an overview of the much hyped (the hype is real friends) game Necromolds, fun for all ages. Mold 'em! Fight 'em! Smash 'em!...

Campus Politics and Labor Strife, it’s Campus Wahala! – Turn Order

Over the past 30 years, the Academic Staff Union of Universities in Nigeria has embarked on strike no less than 16 times. This is the backdrop for Campus Wahala! Pidgin is the unofficial lingua of the Nigerian people and a...

On Board Games and Heraldry, a Blazon Review – Turn Order

When I heard my wife idly mention that someone was doing a boardgame about heraldry, my attention went from dormant to couchant. When I found out it was going to be for sale at GenCon, I became sejant (perhaps...

A Hollywood Style Zombie Shoot-and-Run: Zombicide Season 2 Review – Turn Order

This month, I went back to Gen Con after a few years away from the Midwest in general. My family tends to move around a lot and since we have moved to the West Coast the logistics of planning,...

YOU DYED: A Dark Souls Miniatures Hobby Review

If you've played almost any amount of videogames in the past decade or so, you are no doubt familiar with "Souls" games, FromSoftware's hack-n-slash action RPG franchise that has spanned multiple titles and game systems. The franchise really started...

Turn Order’s Top 10 Games We’re Excited About From GenCon

Ah, GenCon! For those of us who enjoy our gaming on the tabletop, there really isn’t a bigger convention and expo show than this one. Every year publishers big and small bring their upcoming titles to reveal, demo, and...

Dungeons, Dice & Danger: Roll & Write Survival

Once upon a time, board game critic Dan Thurot tweeted and lightly admonished a sliver of the Board Game Discourse thusly: “Are board games Just Math? Sure. In exactly the same way that books are Just Words, movies are...

Not Quite Good Enough – Power Rangers: Deck Building Game – Zeo: Stronger Than Before Review

I'm a millennial. And as a millennial, we are prone to endless purchases based on nostalgia. I thought I was above all of that until I saw the Power Rangers: Deck-Building Game – Zeo: Stronger Than Before. My inner...

Berried Treasure – A Sweet and Savory Treat

The folks at Restoration Games are ludo-archaeologists. They recover beloved, out-of-print board games, retcon and restore them (natch), then re-release them for the modern game player’s sensibilities. Some Restoration discoveries are as mythic as the Holy Grail – as in...