blood angels

Psychic Awakening III: Blood of Baal – Lore Review

The dawn of Warhammer 40,000's 8th edition brought with some unfortunate news for the sons of Sanguinius: the largest incursion of Tyranids that the Imperium has faced to-date was found to be swarming directly towards Baal. If you're read The Devastation...

Blood of Baal – The Goonhammer Review – Part 1 – Blood Angels

When the new Codex: Space Marines released in August with an all-new slate of Codex Supplements covering the compliant first-founding chapters, speculation began as to whether the standalone chapters - the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves -...

Book Review: Blood Rite by Rachel Harrison

A little while ago, Coda reviewed Honourbound, Rachel Harrison's first full-length novel for Black Library. His review of the adventures of Severina Raine and the 11th Antari Rifles was enthusiastic enough that it made me, someone who habitually avoids...

Start Competing: Blood Angels Tactics

This page now references an out of date edition of the game. For Start Competing: Blood Angels in 10th edition and onwards, please click here. The Blood Angels have a long history in Warhammer 40k, appearing as one of the...

Tournament Preview – Three Cool Lists From the London Open

A month on from the Bristol City Open, it's finally time for me to hit the tournament tables again this weekend at the London Open. I haven't been totally idle gaming-wise - I TOed an RTT for our local...

Your Legion Sucks, Part 2

So you actually came back for Part 2. We figured for sure we’d seen our last page view on Goonhammer dot com after part one but here you are, hate-reading the fuck out of us. That’s fine - we’ll...

The Meandering Road Towards NoVA – Week 3 and First Practice Tournament

My progress towards my NoVA list over the last week was……..lacking. It turns out that masking these caladius hulls takes hours, and work was crazy. Ended up not getting the tanks to an assembleable state, so I left them...

The meandering road towards NoVA – Week 2

Not a whole ton to report this last week, I haven't gotten to play any practice games yet (I haven't even built all the models for it yet...), nor have I had any conceptual rethinks of the list. One...

The Big FAQ 3 and You

The Big FAQ 3 And You Making the Most of the Changes   It's finally here! After almost a month of interminable waiting, Slaanesh announcements, and surveys, Games Workshop finally delivered its third major FAQ/Errata for Warhammer 40,000 and man did they...

Corrode at Battlefield Birmingham 14 – Day 2

Day 1 report here. I finished day 1 with a positive record, 2 wins and 1 loss. This wasn't what anyone hopes for from the first day, but it's still decent and put me in a good position for day 2. Game...