black library

Book Review: Dawn of Fire: Avenging Son by Guy Haley

Reviewing this book is tricky. Real tricky. Avenging Son is a book with enormous pressure and responsibility for the future of Warhammer 40,000 fiction and that requires a slightly different review than what we would normally post for a Black Library...

An Interview With Aaron Dembski-Bowden

A quick foreword: I would just like to say my deepest thanks to Edwin Moriarty and James M Hewitt for helping this come together and to Aaron for not only agreeing to be interviewed but writing the level of depth that...

GW Online Preview, Part 2: The Goonhammer Round Table, Part 2

Following the first ever online Warhammer Preview two weeks ago, Games Workshop and the Warhammer Community Team put on a second online preview this past Saturday, featuring more of the reveals they had planned for Adepticon and other conventions. If...

Book Review: Saturnine – Limited Edition Hardback

This review does NOT contain spoilers for Saturnine. That wouldn't be nice.  "There is work to be done,' he announced. 'I'm aware.' said Abbadon. 'My beloved lord,' said Eidolon, 'grows--' 'Many more supple breasts every day?' asked Aximand. The Mournival...

Hot Take: Valerian and Aleya. Also an extremely mild rant about Black Library!

Hello Reader! It's a day chock-full of Hot Takes! And I know what you're thinking -- "When will they get to the important updates that matter?" WELL GOOD NEWS, the Hot Take you've been waiting for is here! GW released two...

Book Review: Spear of the Emperor by Aaron Dembski-Bowden

  This review contains spoilers for Spear of the Emperor. SKAVAKH UHL ZARUN! Redden the earth, redden the earth, redden the earth! Rarely does a single phrase manage to capture the spirit of a whole Space Marine Chapter so well as the...

Book Review: Rites of Passage by Mike Brooks

Note: I listened to the audiobook, performed by Helen Keeley. A widowed Navigator attempts to claim control of her influential house; a chaos cultist murders in service of a depraved, world-ending, chaotic ritual. These are the two primary strings that...

Book Review: Honourbound by Rachel Harrison

It's Rachel Harrison's first full on Black Library book. My review? It's very good and you should buy it. In fact stop reading this review and smash the buy now button on the book and the excellent mini which I'll totally...