
Battletech Mech Overview: Turkina

The Turkina is the widest mech, and way up there in cost too. Can Liberty tolerate it?

Battletech Mech Overview: Kingfisher

The Kingfisher is a brick of a mech that happens to be loved by all our authors, and we're going through the reasons why.

BattleTech Mech Overview: Howler (Baboon)

In this week's Mech Overview, Liberty talks the Baboon/Howler chassis. Also Perigrin forced their way into the writer's room mainly to complaint about one variant.

BattleTech History: “Building the Perfect ‘Mech” in 1987

Howdy everyone and welcome to something a bit different! BattleTech is a very old game, stretching back to 1984 in its precursor form as BattleDroids. Over the 41 years of this game's life, there have been countless books, products,...

WarZone Atlanta: A Classic BattleTech Tournament Report

Jack's back with a second BattleTech article this week, this time reporting on the recent goings-on at WarZone Atlanta.

BattleTech Mech Overview: Pack Hunter

Today's BattleTech Mech Overview concerns the Pack Hunter and all its variants.

Battletech Mech Overview: Crossbow

A blobby Clan heavy mech with a lot of LRMs, the Crossbow is the focus of this week's Mech Overview.

BattleTech Mech Overview: Kodiak

This week in Mech Overview we're looking at the big bear, the Kodiak.

BattleTech Mech Overview: Kit Fox (Uller)

This week our Mech Overview looks at another clan light mech, the Kit Fox. Is it fast? No. Is it well armored? No. But it's got lots of guns!

Battletech Mech Overview: Hellion

Liberty is back with a look at the Hellion mech.