battle report

Tournament report: Corrode at Autumn Tides of War

On Sunday I attended my local shop's quarterly one-day event, Tides of War, along with Artum and One_Wing. The venue is the excellent Bristol Independent Gaming, and the format is 1500pts with 3 games, played using the Maelstrom missions...

Battle Report: BLOOD AND ICE: World Eaters vs. Space Wolves

A lot of really salty, bitter 40k gamers will tell you dumb things like "combat in 8th edition is no good" and "it's too hard to murder things with axes" and "World Eaters are bad" but I'm here to...

Corrode at Battlefield Birmingham 14 – Day 1

Like One_Wing I attended Battlefield Birmingham 14 over the weekend, a tournament held (unsurprisingly) in Birmingham. I'd played at the doubles in June where my partner and I did respectably with 2 wins, 2 draws and a loss, but this...

Throwback Thursday: TheChirurgeon’s Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Game

Throwback Thursday: TheChirurgeon's Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Game I was up in Boston this week, and despite being fresh off a weekend stuffed full of more hams than any in my life at the NoVA GT, I was still...