battle report

Road to LVO: Editor Showdown Battle Report!

As I mentioned in my end of year roundup, in just a few weeks I'm heading out to Vegas on my first international tournament adventure. Other than writing retrospectives I mostly took the Christmas week off doing 40K stuff,...

Hear Me Out, Chase: Night Lords

Look it's not some secret that Chaos Space marines are extremely my jam. Luckily, with the release of Psychic Awakening II: Faith and Fury, the Chaos Space Marine forces have been re-armed with lots of great new rules to help...

Tournament Report – Glasshammer Open 2019

Going to GTs on consecutive weekends is totally sensible and no one can tell me otherwise. Welcome to another tournament report, this time from the Glasshammer open GT in Telford. I did rather well last time I headed up...

Tournament Report – Seeds of Destruction

Last week we looked at three lists from the Seeds of Destruction GT in Wales, and the event is now in the books so it's time for a write-up. If you want to see my list before we jump...

(Iron) Halo: (A Naramyth [Combat] Report) Evolved

Enough with this Marine RTT nonsense. We are going to a major, it's time to bring the season's army. We got The Warhogs Bacon Bus (4 out of 5 dudes who are 30+ in a minivan) together and rolled...

Space Marines at the Fargo Two Rivers ITC Event: A Naramyth Trip Report

As I've mentioned before, I don't need to chase Admech RTT points for the rest of the ITC year so now it's time for me to turn my attention to my true love: Space Marines. I've owned marines for...

Tournament Report – LGT 2019 – Part 2

Part 1 Welcome back to part two of my report from the LGT. Last time we checked in I'd just narrowly lost to Tom Leighton's Knights & Space Marines army, so was keen to put up a win to close...

Hillbilly Cyborg Yacht Club RTT: A Naramyth Trip Report

Introduction I'm back! This past weekend was a regularly scheduled Two Rivers RTT held at Parallax Games in Bismark, ND. The field wound up being the largest yet for our RTTs at 18 people. Thankfully their gaming space is pretty...

The Meandering Road Towards NoVA – Week 3 and First Practice Tournament

My progress towards my NoVA list over the last week was……..lacking. It turns out that masking these caladius hulls takes hours, and work was crazy. Ended up not getting the tanks to an assembleable state, so I left them...

The Paulus Campaign Apocalypse

Hello again! This is a follow-up to my last post, wherein I talked about the big ending to the campaign I've been running and the game setup. If you're interested in the mechanics of this five-player game and the...