
Running My First Kings of War Tournament

When it looked like my area needed one more Kings of War event to round out the year, I decided to step in and organise a one-day event at a local hobby shop.

Kings of War: Goonhammer’s Urr Takes On Clash of Kings Australia – Day 2

G’day Goonhammer readers! Welcome back to Urr’s coverage of his time at the pre-eminent Kings of War tournament down under: Clash of Kings Australia 2024. Day One was a blast, but there’s six more games to go. A quick...

Krootcon Down Under – Am I getting good at this?

Back in July, after Gonghammer, I was a tired old man. My first 40k event in years, and I was exhausted. With a sigh of relief and a grunt of effort, I freed a finger from my bags of...

GongHammer Down Under: My First 40k Event in four and a half years

Back in the heady and relatively optimistic days of January 2018, I attended my first multi-day Warhammer 40,000 event - Cancon, a gathering of several hundred of Australia’s finest nerds and hosting, among other events, the world’s largest Age...

Kings of War: Road to ConVic22 Part Four – A painting extravaganza

G’day Goonhammer readers! We’re back with another hobby update as the deadline that is ConVic 2022 draws ever closer. We’ve still got roughly two months to finish everything, and we’re pretending that we won’t end up painting the night...

Video Game Review: Mad Max

  Did you even remember there was a Mad Max video game that was released in 2015? If not, there’s a very good reason for that! Mad Max had the misfortune of dropping on September 1st, putting it directly against Metal...