Astra Militarum

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Meta Adepts pt.2

More Warhammer? You want more? Well good, because there's more. Lowest of Men is in charge today, joined for one event by special guest Curie, who has made the classic error of getting into a Showdown, and thus being forced to write...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Imperium Strikes Back pt.2

Wings update - still sick. That means no pithy intro, straight into the content. You love content. Today you will have Lowest of Men as normal, covering: OPEN "ATLAVERA" 2024 (IBERIAN OPEN) Talvisota - Winter Assault 2024 JP CUP Toys...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Chewing the Scenery pt.2

Villainy continues to abound across the top tables as we move into part 2, but today the Imperium is doing a somewhat better job of stemming the tide. It's Lowest of Men in charge, and today we'll be covering: 10th Barrie...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Dressed for Success pt.2

More Warhammer, all of the time. That's the slogan we're going with at the moment. It's Lowest of Men in charge today, covering: The South-Coast UKTC Supermajor MidtconGT Warhammer 40.000 Spring tournament Wheat City Open 2024 Melee At Shiloh Warzone: Wellington...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Silver Tide pt.1

Welp, it's finally happened, this week we're going to three parts. That's because the past weekend was an absolutely astounding blowout of 40K, featuring ~1200 players participating in 16 GT+ events (around half of them majors) and that doesn't even account for...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: En Guard

We're going tall rather than wide this week - five events, but one of them is our first post-dataslate supermajor at Beachhead Brawl. The Imperium had the best of this one, with the Astra Militarum and Dark Angels putting...

Wargames Atlantic Grognard Heavy Weapons : The Goonhammer Review

Who doesn't love some scifi infantry weapons teams? There's little more evocative of the grim dark horrors of the far future than two normal humans manning a fixed gun while a 40 foot tall behemoth of flesh, steel, or...

Lore Explainer: Ciaphas Cain

In this week's Lore Explainer, we dive into Ciphas Cain, one of the best characters in 40k fiction and a great jumping off point for new Black Library readers.

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Rearguard Action pt.1

The new post-Dataslate world will shortly be upon us (and you can check out all our coverage starting here), but we've still got last weekend's events and (presumably) a few more coming up this week featuring the old metagame. The...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Boxed Out pt.1 – The LVO

A bit of a mixup to our usual formula this week - with the biggest event of the year (the LVO) happening the weekend just past, we wanted to give it the attention it deserves, with coverage of the...