Astra Militarum

Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: Only Getting Better

The long trans-atlantic nightmare of Reaganothatcherite Economics is over. The Long Grey Man has fallen. There's a not-actually-new way of doing things in town and it's pretending, quite successfully, to look nothing like the old way at all. Noel...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Powers Up pt.2

Part 2, and plenty more healthy variety to consider - we've even got an AdMech showdown that isn't Skitarii Hunter Cohort. Wonders may never cease. It's Lowest of Men in charge today, covering: TGX Warhammer 40,000 Event I Gt Ciudad de Avila ...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2024, Part 20: Final Prep for Tacoma

This week TheChirurgeon does his final practice game and frantic hobby prep for the GW US Open in Tacoma, painting up Thousand Sons and making last-minute list adjustments.

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Powers Up pt.1

The Pariah metagame continues to take shape this week, and we've got a bizarrely top-heavy suite of events to provide some additional date - lots of majors, barely any GTs. In terms of what's out there, Blood Angels look like the...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Parade pt.3

Lowest of Men: Sorry this one is coming in a little bit late folks - there was an election in the UK overnight that caught my attention. Anyway! On with this round up of games, featuring some of the dying...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pariah Parade pt.2

There's a whole lot more to talk about today so I'm going to keep this intro short. As you can imagine, my mind is already whirling away trying to draw some early conclusions as to what's good in Pariah,...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: It’s All Over Bar Da Krumpin’ pt.2

We're back for part 2, this time with Lowest of Men in the hot seat looking at: ITA 40K SINGLES GT 2024 Laughing Dragon Grand Tournament The Route 66 40k Grand Tournament Slaanesh Summer Slam Ironman GT Luxembourg Open 40k...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: It’s All Over Bar Da Krumpin’ pt.1

With Pariah Nexus packs now landing on doorsteps around the globe, I'm hoping this is Leviathan's true final outing, and that next week we'll have hot news from the Pariah Nexus to share. Because of that, and because Shadow...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Xenos Roulette pt.3

Third time's the charm as we close out our Xenos-tacular week. Lowest of Men is at the helm today, looking at: 2d6 Dawn of Vår From Hell Open 2 - Back into the Trench! Spring Assault at the Ironweld Open ...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Xenos Roulette pt.2

Lots more Xenos fun today, including the Retaliation Cadre making a Showdown debut, and Orks still krumpin' stuff left and right. We've also got some valiant imperium forced pushing back against aforesaid Xenos tide, with mixed success. Today we're looking...