Astra Militarum

Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good Review – Astra Militarum/Imperial Guard

Back in early 8th edition, which feels shrouded in the mists of time but was in fact only 3 years ago, the Astra Militarum codex was released to great wailing and gnashing of teeth. Guard, you see, had broken...

Hear Me Out, Rob: Big Yellow Tank

There’s more to 40k than just grinding out endless RTTs and rolling on endless Maelstrom tables for wacky results. In Hear Me Out, Goonhammer authors explore building offbeat lists and playing with new concepts, and put those concepts to...

Kill Team Annual Review, Part 2: Imperial Factions (except Sisters)

Hello again and welcome back, readers! If you're just joining us, we kicked off our review of the 2019 Kill Team Annual last time with a look at the core contents of the book and a look at the...

Chapter Approved 2019 Balance Changes – The Goonhammer Review

With the release of Chapter Approved 2019 comes Games Workshop’s annual points review of Warhammer 40,000. And while previous years have seen only changes published in the Chapter Approved Book, this year we’re getting our own standalone book with...

Tournament Preview – Three Cool Lists from the Element Games Grand Slam

The saga continues tournament fans - this weekend we find out if lightning can strike twice and I can manage another respectable run with what was supposed to be a silly meme list, or if reality is going to...

Tournament Report – Blood and Glory 2019

In last week's preview I promised you an exciting chronicle of the consequences of making extremely silly decisions regarding Wraithknights and here at Goonhammer we don't let our readers down. I held my nerve and my largest robot son...

Hammer of Math: Diet Smite (Imperial Edition)

In last week's Hammer of Math, Kevin Genson went through the probability of successfully manifesting psyker powers under various conditions and also discussed the efficacy of the universally known Smite power. This week the psyker shenanigans continue with a...

Making Friends and Purging Heretics: Going 2-1 at the Bel Air Games RTT

Introduction Hola my dudes and dudettes, Scott Horras "Heresy" here with my debut Goonhammer article. Today I've got a hot and spicy 2-1 RTT performance recap for you all to be marginally disappointed with. Oh yeah, I make my memes...

How to Paint Everything: Steel Legion Skull Masks

This is a step by step run through of how I am painting skull masks on my steel legion models. These are representing guardsmen from the Ministorum cemetery world of Certus Minor. Skull masks would also be a good...

The 40k Hamateur Hour Presents: Road to Nova Week 10

Hey Hams, I'm Dan, better known as FromTheShire online, and welcome back for the tenth (late) installment of the 40k Hamateur Hour. This week I'm continuing along through the process of getting my first painted army together for Nova...