Astra Militarum

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Final Quarter pt.1

I will admit that I was a little bit worried the announcement of 10th Edition might mean a slow couple of months, but uh, that does not seem to be happening. Instead, we have a mighty 12 events this...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Even Angels Fall pt.2

Really the entire story of this website has been me finding ways to make a rod for my own back. It turns out my latest success in this area is that, by splitting this into two parts and listing...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Even Angels Fall pt.1

The Balance Dataslate has arrived, about which there is much rejoicing. It wasn't in effect for most of the events this past weekend, about which there is much theatrical booing. Let's see how this seasons villains fared on their final...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Our Metagame Yearns for Freedom pt.2

We're a broken record at this point, but welcome to part two of another massive week of Arks coverage. Lowest of Men is at the helm, and today we're looking at: Down Under 40K Major (major) Fools Errand 2023 Perils of...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Our Metagame Yearns for Freedom pt.1

...please send Q12023 Balance Dataslate. In some ways I jest - Arks continues to be good fun, and there are a couple of interesting new builds on show this week, so there's certainly some stuff to dig into. However, at...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Desolation of Manchester pt.2

We're back for part two, and today Lowest of Men is taking the wheel, ready to blast through five more events, including the week's second supermajor. Today we're looking at: Adepticon (supermajor) Fantasia Fanatic (major) Iron Cage: Bedford Beatdown Courage And...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Desolation of Manchester pt.1

What can I say - we're north of ten events again, despite there being a supermajor in both the UK and US, so the biggest sustained run of mega-weeks we've ever had continues. Lowest of Men will be taking point on...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: March Multitudes pt.1

March marches on, with truly spectacular quantities of Warhammer continuing to happen around the world. My increasingly regular partner-in-crime Lowest of Men has once more stepped up to help, and will be taking the lead on Friday while I kick...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Guns and Goffs pt.1

It would appear that Guard players as a whole think they've sneaked under GW's winrate radar for long enough, because it's another big week for them - but Arks is still throwing curveballs at us. This week it's the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: By Lasgun and Bayonet pt.2

Welcome back to part 2 of Competitive Innovations, where I (Wings) am once more in control, having mostly recovered from Nurgle giving me a bit of a once over earlier in the week. Big thanks to Tom for holding...