Astra Militarum

Kill Team Tactics: Kasrkin

Travis Cheng takes an in-depth look at Kasrkin kill teams - how to play them and make the most of them in a post-dataslate world.

Hammer of Math: Rogal Dorn Dance-Off

This week's Hammer of Math answers a reader-submitted inquiry regarding the Rogal Dorn tank. Thanks Adam! When Games Workshop dropped the Rogal Dorn with the codex release back in January, it seemed cool but not exactly earth shattering. The new...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Dark Is Rising pt.2

We have failed, failed in our scheduling this week, as after the Aeldari still took the crowns on Wednesday, today the forces of Chaos and the Imperium are taking names all over, with the World Eaters leading the charge. We...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Aeldari Hell(storm)

It gives me no pleasure to report that the elves are at it again. Kind of. We've got a slightly quieter week than the current norm, with only one really big event (Hellstorm's Super All-stars), which featured an all-Aeldari...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Codex Chaos pt.2

Warhammer continues unabated, and while today we've got a few more Aeldari reminding people of why elves is best, we've also got some impressive showings for rarer factions, including one taking (I think?) it's first GT win. Lowest of Men...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Codex Chaos pt.1

Another week in the exciting world of Warhammer 40K, and in theory an eventful one, what with a whole new Space Marines Codex being released. In recent history this has often resulted in a great upending of metagames, wailing,...

Goonhammer Reads Scifi: Itopia? Utopia!

Utopian fiction is rarer than its darker mirror, but serves more or less the same purpose. Where Dystopia asks us to reflect on the steps between now and when, and how we may avoid or survive whatever the author...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: How Celestine Got Her Groove Back pt.1

Warhammer will continue until morale improves, apparently - we've got another gigantic week for your delectation, and more interesting builds at the top (plus the regular crop of Aeldari for you to boo and throw turnips at). Today I'll be covering: ...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pumpkin Spice Melee pt.1

Not much of a slowdown from last weekend's massive events - we've got ten events for you this week, including four majors, and some encouraging novelty at the top. Are the Aeldari still here? Obviously, but we've got undefeated...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Superslate Supermajors pt.2

Hammering home just how big a weekend this was, in part 2 today we're going to be kicking off with another huge tournament, the latest from the Hanseatic Alliance. It's Lowest of Men in charge today, looking at: Hanseatic Alliance Open...