army review

Kings of War: Forces of the Abyss Army Review 2025

With all the exciting updates to the Forces of the Abyss in Clash of Kings 2025, we thought it was high time we reviewed them!

Old World Legacy Faction Review: Daemons of Chaos

"The Daemons of Chaos can be likened to hungry and rabid wolves. The shepherd should not waste time hating the wolf that attacks his flock. He should simply kill it." - Volkmar the Grim "Daemons? I just think they're neat."...

Kings of War: Twilight Kin Army List Review

G’day Goonhammer readers, and welcome to our Twilight Kin army review! We already passed snap judgement on the model range, looking at what images were available to us and providing our unqualified opinion. Now we bring our amateur percipience...

Liber Imperium Review: Legio Custodes

In part one of our Review of Liber Imperium, the new beast of a book for Horus Heresy, we take a look at the Legio Custodes. Thanks to Games Workshop for providing us with a free copy of the book to write this review.

Kings of War: the Halflings are here!

Welcome back Goonhammer readers to another Kings of War instalment, this time covering the latest line of models to be released by Mantic Games; the Halflings! Not only did they release some fantastic models, they have released the beta...