arcane journal

The Old World Arcane Journal – High Elf Realms Review

The Arcane Journal for the High Elves is here in the Old World, and we're looking at the two new Armies of Infamy along with the units and magic items that support them.

The Old World Arcane Journal – Empire of Man Review

The Old World has a new Arcane Journal out for the Empire of Man, and our experts break it all down here.

The Old World Arcane Journal – Warriors of Chaos

  "The shadow of Chaos grows with the passing of the seasons. Fight and struggle as much as you wish, it will not help you - this world is doomed" - Engra Deathsword Hot on the heels of the Dwarfen Mountain...

The Old World Arcane Journal – Dwarfen Mountain Holds Review

After a short (pun intended) wait since it’s announcement we’ve finally been able to get our hands on the Arcane Journal: Dwarfen Mountain Holds book. We’ve got ourselves a cracking entry to the growing Arcane Journal ranks here with...