
Age of Sigmar Review: Wrath of the Everchosen

(Authors note: Due to a misunderstanding some incorrect information was reported in the allegiance section. These have been corrected) Wrath of the Everchosen is the first Campaign book of Age of Sigmar 2.0 that didn't double as an Endless Spell...

Meta Analysis: Age of Sigmar: CanCon and LVO Part 1

While I will not be attending LVO this year (look for me at Adepticon and Nova), I could not help but look and see what the field looks like right now. With two of the year's largest Age of...

Age of Sigmar Review: Orruk Warclans

Released alongside Cities of Sigmar, the Orruk Warclans book feels like it has a very similar agenda to its sister book. Both books had an intended goal of consolidating some disparate factions into one location. The difference here is...

Age of Sigmar Review: Cities of Sigmar

It’s been a long and tumultuous road but finally, The Empire has risen again with an actual battletome in Age of Sigmar. The short version is that Cities of Sigmar is a combination of most of the Empire (called...