
The Games Workshop 11/21 Preview Roundtable

Games Workshop continued their strategy of doing digital previews on Saturday with one of their meatiest previews, showing off new models and upcoming releases for 40k, Age of Sigmar, Lord of the Rings, Underworlds, and Necromunda. As unabashed fans...

Start Competing: The Team Aspect and Leveling Up Your community

So you've gobbled up all of the Start competing and Faction focus articles, you've built a list (or thirty), played some games and even ventured out to your first competitive event. Congratulations! You've taken the first big step on...

Start Competing: Ogor Mawtribes Updated!

Just a quick update today - some of the more eagle-eyed readers among you may have noticed that Start Competing: Ogor Mawtribes had disappeared from the site last week. Well that's because we were updating it with more analysis,...

Start Competing: Kharadron Overlords

Do you like airships? Like, a lot? Are you big on steampunk aesthetics? As a child, did you watch your VHS copy of Time Bandits until the tape degraded beyond use? Well then the Kharadron Overlords might be the Age of Sigmar...

Community Spotlight: Animosity Campaigns

It can be hard to feel involved in the hobby right now, with seemingly everything fun on lockdown. Sure you can paint, but painting without a goal, or promise of being able to use your finely crafted models in...

General’s Handbook 2020 – Matched Play

It's the most exciting time of year to be an Age of Sigmar player! A new General's Handbook brings with it entirely new metas, making armies that were previously underpowered suddenly rise to the top and making the current...

Age of Sigmar: A 5 year Retrospective

Age of Sigmar is 5 years old! Light some candles, grab a slice of cake and let's look back at what it was, what it has become and where it is going. Release Warhammer: Age of Sigmar was released in 2015...

Start Competing: Ogor Mawtribes

Are you hungry for battle? Like, extremely hungry? Do you stand against fat shaming? Do you never feel too full for yet more eating-related jokes? Then maybe the Ogor Mawtribes are the army for you! Faction Overview Arriving alongside the Ossiarch Bonereapers, Ogor...

Start Competing: Malign Sorcery & Forbidden Power

This week we're doing something a bit different with Start Competing. Rather than focus on a singular army we're going to focus on two game expansions which granted more power and versatility to your army, no matter what army...

Start Competing: Stormcast Eternals

Do you like space marines but wish you could play them in a fantasy setting and with models that aren't all dudes? Do you really have a thing for gold armor? Do you just want to get the whole...