
Taking Dominion to 2k: Orruk Warclans (Kruleboyz)

So, Age of Sigmar 3rd edition happened and you bought Dominion. Or you split Dominion. Or you bought half of it off some site somewhere. However you got it, you now have a collection that’s not quite an army...

Kharadron Overlords: Triumphs

The Kharadron Overlords covet aether-gold.  A precious metal that they mine from veins in the sky but in game these allow units to use triumphs by expending their shares of aether-gold. I’ll be going over how using these triumphs...

AoS Ruleshammer: Garrisoning 

Garrisoning terrain features has been a rule since 2nd edition but saw an update in 3rd and can be something that’s just avoided for ease of gaming and I can’t blame anyone for that, it can be confusing and...

Ruleshammer: Age of Sigmar Core Battalions

You’ve got your army, you even added up the points to play a matched play game but you aren’t really sure how Core Battalions work. Do you need to take them? Should you? How many units should go into...

How to Paint Everthing: Be’lakor

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything, talking about different assembly methods, techniques, and colors used. In today's How to Paint Everything, we're covering a Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar...

Taking Dominion to 2k: Stormcast Eternals

So, Age of Sigmar 3rd edition happened and you bought Dominion. Or you split Dominion. Or you bought half of it off some site somewhere. But you got it. You now have a collection that’s not quite an army...

Faction Focus: Stormcast Eternals

Reforged warriors created by Sigmar, these (mostly) immortal warriors are the best of the best - or at least they’re supposed to be. Regardless of how you build an army it’s going to be pretty elite and hit hard...

Goonhammer Reviews the Age of Sigmar App

This review is based on the beta with a patch released on 9/16/2021. The state of the app may change rapidly in the near future. As it does, we'll come back and update this review. Just a few days ahead...

Faction Focus: Sylvaneth

The Sylvaneth are the spirits of the forest, led by Alarielle, Goddess of Life. Many were Wood Elves in The World That Was and now have reached a further connection with the woods they so protect. Alarielle is notably...

Battletome Orruk Warclans: The Path to Glory Rules Review

The new Battleomes for Age of Sigmar third edition don't just come with matched play rules; similar to Crusade in Warhammer 40k, each battletome for Age of Sigmar now also comes with faction-specific Path to Glory rules. We reviewed...