
White Dwarf 472 – The Tome Celestial: Ossiarch Bonereapers

Ossiarch Bonereapers are not in a great spot at the moment. Our analysis shows that despite having a roughly 50% win rate, this win rate is very heavily weighted towards beating armies that are also at the lower end...

Maggotkin Battletome: Path to Glory Review

    Previously we looked at the new Maggotkin of Nurgle Battletome from a more competitive or matched play perspective. Today we look at the Path to Glory rules and how they work in your narrative campaigns.  Your Narrative  Path to Glory is...

The December 2021 Age of Sigmar Meta Analysis

As we close out the year there’s a lot to reflect on in the competitive Age of Sigmar space. Since the launch of the new edition we’ve had three new Battletomes, five Tomes Celestial (counting the one for Soulblight...

Army Showcase: Santeri Sarkola’s Kharadon Overlords

The Painter: Santeri “Tenteri” Sarkola The Game: Warhammer Age of Sigmar Points: In 3rd. edition over 4000 points. Now including 3 Gyrocopters and Irondrakes as allies. Collecting Since: December 2019 Instagram: admiralgrudge The Past It was never grimdark for me. It’s the thought...

Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle – The Goonhammer Review

We're nearly six months into Age of Sigmar's third edition and the third Battletome is finally upon us. Maggotkin of Nurgle have had the longest release schedule between books so far and with this release are officially passing the baton...

(Semi) Live-Blogging the GW Finals in Grapevine, TX

Hi everyone, and welcome to me following up on one of my dumber ideas. Namely, flying up to Dallas to watch some friends play Warhammer. Thanks to some clever finagling on my part, I've managed to turn this into...

HTPE: SRM’s Stormcast “Greekcast” Eternals

When Dominion dropped earlier this year, I was hype as hell for the new range of Stormcast. In place of the big fat babymen of AoS' launch, we had these statuesque spearmen, chariots, and big honkin angel ladies. These...

Model Review: Bastian Carthalos

The new additions to the Stormcast range are brimming with releases all vying to be the big new centerpiece model. We've got big honkin dragons, Dominion's own Yndrasta, and a new Chapter Master-level character, Bastian Carthalos. We here at...

Intro to Matched Play

Whether it’s pick up games at your local games club or games store or going to a tournament, matched play tends to be one of the most popular ways of playing Age of Sigmar. There are a lot of...

Age of Sigmar Ruleshammer: Extra-Long Pile-Ins

Some units in Age of Sigmar can be chosen to attack and pile in further than the normal 3”. This is an incredibly rare but also powerful ability. So, can you abuse it? Yes.  Piling In Normally in Age of Sigmar...