
Goonhammer at the NOVA OPEN

The NOVA Open tabletop wargaming convention returned to DC this weekend after a two-year hiatus and we're hype as hell to see it return. With events for every game system and type of play, there's a ton of fun...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Who Needs Morathi?

A light week follows last weeks barrage of Tournaments, with just one week to discuss - it is Summer after all! Emerald City Open 2 Electric Boogaloo 41-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Puyallup, Washington, US on August 27 2022. All the...

Snot Goblin Gaming’s Modular Terrain – The Goonhammer Review

If you're looking for FutureProof Modular Terrain, Snot Goblin Gaming's current Kickstarter project, then check out our review of it. If you'd rather read up on terrain of yesteryear then read on, dear reader, read on. Snot Goblin Gaming’s Modular...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Something Old, Something New, Lots of Drogors, Pusgoyles Spew

Four events to cover this week! Apologies if I'm a little loopy at times during today's article, I'm writing this at 4am because my daughter decided she wanted nothing more than to party in the middle of the night....

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Somehow, Aelf nonsense returned

Hey folks! Thankyou to RagnarokAngel for covering in my absence last week - if you've been following me on twitter you'll know that my internet got cut off for several days and left me in both bored and unable...

Age of Sigmar Tournament Report: A Proper Fisting At Southern Fried Open

The Second Annual Southern Friend Open ("SFO") was a two-day event held at the Southern Friend Gaming Expo ("SFGE").  SFGE is an annual event filled with board games, card games, D&D, Pathfinder, and all sorts of assorted nerd stuff...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: June 2022

It's been another month, and that means it's time for another Hobby Round-up! SRM Cripes, is it July already? I feel like my year's painting progress is firmly behind where I want it to be, but if wishes were nickels I'd...

White Dwarf 477 – Tome Celestial: Flesh-eater Courts

Who loves ghastly cannibalistic fiends hallucinating that they're noble questing knights protecting all the realms? You love it! I love it! Nagash love - well, maybe Nagash doesn't love the Flesh-eater Courts, but Games Workshop very well may, since...

Start Competing: “JUUUUUUDGE!”

I think one of the hardest things to be comfortable and confident in doing is requesting that a judge come to your table. For one thing, it often requires yelling out randomly for help and puts you in the...

Cruel Times Won’t Last But Kruleboyz Will

Kruleboyz are the latest faction to be released for Age of Sigmar. The Dominion box set included 39 new models and a copy is likely still lying around your friendly local game store. The secondary market is also flush...