
The Goonhammer Guide to 28mm+ Multipart Skeletons

Skeletons. The ubiquitous fantasy baddie. Whether guarding some broke treasure in a cave or gathering by thousands at the will of a necromancer, skeletons have been striking terror into the hearts of the living for ages. In this article...

The 2022 GW Open Series Finale Preview: The Age of Sigmar Brackets

This weekend marks the end of the 2022 season of Games Workshop events, culminating in a massive finale event this weekend in New Mexico that sees champions from some of this year's biggest events square off in a series...

Model Review: The New Plastic Daemon Prince (Slaves to Darkness / 40k)

We'd like to thank Games Workshop for providing us with a preview copy of the Slaves to Darkness box for review purposes. As one of the resident Slaves to Darkness players amongst the Goons whomst Hammer, it should come as...

The Competitive Events of the GW Open Series Finale

This year Games Workshop continued the competitive play series it began in 2021 with another four major events across the United States, specifically in Seattle, San Diego, Chicago, and Kansas City. If you've been following along, you may have noticed that these have...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Slambo GT & Ragnarok GT

Two events this week, dear reader - the first pre-battlescroll and the second using the updated rules. Some fun little lists to be found in the top 8 and a mix of the classic and the new in the...

The King of Age of Sigmar: An Interview with KC Open Winner Gavin Grigar

Last week the GW Open in Kansas City closed out their string of open competitive events for 2022. And rounding out the final Age of Sigmar GT were Gavin Grigar and EL Miller, the event’s first place and best...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: October 2022

It's a week into November but there's still time for us to look back at an October in which our contributors were hard at work on their hobby - let’s see what they got done! SRM This was, as I alluded...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: GW found the Bug Repellant

Happy Battlescroll month for all who celebrate! Several lists featured in today's article have been hit pretty hard with the nerf bat with the latest battlescroll, with perhaps the most notable changes being to the Pusgoyle spam list and...

UK Golden Demon 2022 Coverage

This year marked the 35th anniversary of the Golden Demon and the first held in the UK since before the pandemic. The anticipation was high and the competition was fierce. Games Workshop kindly invited us to provide event coverage. We'd...

The Chicago Open Age of Sigmar GT Recap: The End of All Things

2022 was the first time I travelled for pleasure without my family in over 20 years. The purpose of this trip was to trap myself in a Marriot or Hilton and play Age of Sigmar with strangers. The Chicago...