
Editorial: No, you do not need the latest Chapter Approved or General’s Handbook

Why you do NOT need the latest 6-month-cycle tournament book when you're not a tournament player.

Model Review: Slaves to Darkness Chosen

We'd like to thank Games Workshop for providing us with a preview copy of the Slaves to Darkness box for review purposes. The venerable metal-to-finecast Chaos Chosen from 2008 have finally been replaced, and by gum is it a glow-up....

Model Review: Slaves to Darkness Ogroid Theridons

We'd like to thank Games Workshop for providing us with a preview copy of the Slaves to Darkness box for review purposes. So these large lads dropped with the Slaves to Darkness preview box a couple months ago, but as...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Apply More Gun

Fairly short one this week due to a combination of factors, with neither event using the new GHB to my knowledge... though it looks like things will pick up next week as the book will have been out in...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms – We’re Back! And So is Aelf Nonsense

We're back in the swing of things with two tournaments to cover and four Aelf lists to look at closely. Both events are using last season's GHB and may be the last big tournaments we see using said rules,...

SRM’s Road to Adepticon Part 1: What in the Sam Hell am I doing

I'm doing one of these this year, I guess??? With 2020 and 2021's Adepticons canceled and my own refusal to attend given surging COVID numbers in 2022, it has definitely been a minute since I found my way to the...

The Magnet Baron’s Movement Trays – Goonhammer Review

Goonhammer reviews The Magnet Baron's magnetic movement trays - do they attract our attention for speeding up Warhammer, or are we repelled by what we found? Spoilers: they're pretty great.

Swiftblade’s 2022 Year-in-Review

The two thousandth and twenty-second year of the Common Era was a particularly important year in my life. The year has had some important and incredible highs, but also not without some heartbreaking tragedy in there too. Most importantly,...

SRM’s 2022 in Review

Welcome to another annual novella by yours truly. I don't write "Road Through" articles like our fearless leader Rob Jones, but instead seed those personal narratives, microdose-like, through my own Imperium Magazine reviews. Should you not want to browse...

I Have No Idea What I Am Doing (Age of Sigmar Edition)

  I have, and continue to, enjoy my time at despite colossal feelings of inadequacy doing a job I have never done before. This tale continues that trend as I am asked to judge an event. I've won an event...