age of Sigmar

Road to Adepticon: Tilting at Demons

The Golden Demon painting competition is coming to Adepticon this year. It looks like I have a good chance of being able to make it, so I've started on a project. Less than two months away and it already...

Disciples of Tzeentch FAQ – The Goonhammer Hot Take

As expected after any new Battletome, errata and FAQs must follow. Probably more so than any other Battletome in recent memory however, this one has been of particular interest in the community. After an extremely strong showing in major tournaments...

Age of Sigmar Review: Wrath of the Everchosen

(Authors note: Due to a misunderstanding some incorrect information was reported in the allegiance section. These have been corrected) Wrath of the Everchosen is the first Campaign book of Age of Sigmar 2.0 that didn't double as an Endless Spell...

Meta Analysis: Age of Sigmar: CanCon and LVO Part 1

While I will not be attending LVO this year (look for me at Adepticon and Nova), I could not help but look and see what the field looks like right now. With two of the year's largest Age of...

Start Collecting Age of Sigmar

For new players, starting an army can be daunting: There are tons of different army boxes and deals out there, and figuring out how to build an army can be a paralyzing experience for players who want to expand...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: Slaves to Darkness FAQ

Slaves to Darkness got its FAQ today, which many Chaos players have been waiting for with their breath held as there was a number of entries with messy wording and a few abilities that seemed at first glance to...

Slaves to Darkness Battletome Analysis

Chaos walks the Mortal Realms, and their numbers are legion. The Slaves to Darkness battletome combines all the Daemons that previously had no real home and the iconic Chaos Warriors and their ilk into one cohesive whole. Slaves to Darkness...

Captainraffi’s 2019 Year in Review – Skirmish, Skirmish, and More Skirmish

I can confidently declare that 2019 was my Year of Warhammer. I started logging all of my tabletop game plays using the BGStats app about 4 years ago. It helped me keep track of what I was playing which...

Age of Sigmar Review: Disciples of Tzeentch

Before I begin, full disclosure and a little bit of background. Disciples of Tzeentch was my introduction into Age of Sigmar and what got me to start believing the game was worth investing time and energy into. The first...

Age of Sigmar Battletome Review: Kharadron Overlords

Kharadron Overlords were one of the first Age of Sigmar factions to receive a battletome, and a lot of the faction's design was a test-run of sorts for themes that would later be prevalent in later battle-tomes - including...