age of Sigmar

White Dwarf # 459 The Tome Celestial: The Grimscuttle Tribes

The Badmoon rises again with another Tome Celestial augmenting the Gloomspite Gitz. Recent issues have given us The Jaws of Mork, dedicated to Squig heavy lists and Troggherds for Troggoths. The third (and final?) Tome Celestial for the faction is...

Direchasm Reviews

Underworlds: Direchasm dropped last week, kicking off a new season of Underworlds and adding two new warbands in what's potentially the most accessible starter box for the game to-date. If you missed any of our reviews this week, they're...

How To Paint Everything: Lumineth Realm-Lords

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. In this chapter, we’re looking at several ways to...

Start Competing: Beasts of Chaos

Like Chaos but feel like it's a bit too...orderly? Do hierarchal barbarians or secret covens seem anathema to Chaos? Beasts of Chaos might be for you. Ignoring all the "rules" and "hierarchies" of other Chaos factions, Beasts of Chaos...

How to Paint Everything: Stormcast Eternals

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything, with multiple schemes and techniques. In today's article we're looking at the death mask-clad faces of the Age of Sigmar franchise, the Stormcast Eternals. Created...

Goonhammer Holiday Guide: Mortal Realms Edition

With the 2020 holidays nearly upon us, it’s time to talk about gifts. Whether you’re shopping for a loved one or a Secret Santa recipient, trying to keep things lowkey or looking to splurge, or just grabbing something for...

The Games Workshop 11/21 Preview Roundtable

Games Workshop continued their strategy of doing digital previews on Saturday with one of their meatiest previews, showing off new models and upcoming releases for 40k, Age of Sigmar, Lord of the Rings, Underworlds, and Necromunda. As unabashed fans...

Something wicked this way comes: AoS28

The Dark Age of Sigmar The Dark Age of Sigmar, also known as AoS28 and Warhammer Hinterlands, is a visual aesthetic and playstyle inspired by the artist John Blanche. Cool conversions and interesting stories are the focus for this style...

Broken Realms: Morathi Review

Morathi is the first book in a new campaign for Age of Sigmar entitled Broken Realms, the first multi-book campaign since The Realmgate Wars way back in Age of Sigmar 1.0. Announced during a recent online preview, the series...

Start Competing: Seraphon Tik-taq-to-tics

Once upon a time, the Lizardmen were a faction of fantasy Aztecs living in the definitely-not-South-America part of the Warhammer world. With the chaos of the End Times and the destruction of the World-That-Was, the Lizardmen transmogrified into the...