age of Sigmar

Warhammer+, Six Months In: The Goonhammer Review

Author's disclosure: Goonhammer was given a free month of Warhammer+ back in August.  Were I trying to deliver on the promise of this title format, this is the part of the article where I would post a before and after...

White Dwarf #473 – Tome Celestial: Beasts of Chaos

Dragon Ogor Shaggoth Credit: JoeKAnother Tome Celestial is starting to hit newstands, this time covering the often mocked Beasts of Chaos. Can this turn them around? Tome Celestial Beasts of Chaos is finally here. I don’t really know what...

The Goonhammer 2022 Reader Survey… And What it Tells Us About the Community

We recently took pause to reach out to you, our readers, to learn more about you and ask you how we’re doing. You responded with gusto! In total we received over 3,000 responses and over 4,500 comments to our...

Faction Focus: Orruk Warclans

Overview Orruks - or Orks as they were called in The World That Was - are green skinned beastial humanoids who's only pleasure is in fighting and more fighting. If you know Warhammer you probably know who these guys are,...

Dragons & Dragons, Third Edition: An LVO 2022 Recap

Hey everyone, I am back home safely from the LVO. Taking at-home covid tests like they’re candy but, hey. That’s where we are at, right? I previously wrote about my list and the build-up to LVO in my Road...

An Interview with 2021 Age of Sigmar ITC Champion Gavin Grigar

Gavin Grigar won the Age of Sigmar Championships event at the 2022 Las Vegas Open last weekend and with that victory also secured first place for the 2021 ITC season, capping of a phenomenal year that also saw the...

Age of Sigmar February 3 FAQs

Games Workshop did us a sneaky one this time, implementing FAQ changes in the app way back on January 26 without telling anyone, but now the most recent FAQs are live on Warhammer Community to update Wrath of the...

LVO: The Age of Sigmar Top 8

LVO is the largest event of the year for many wargames and AoS is no different. With 175 total players this year's Las Vegas Open was particularly special for Age of Sigmar. The first LVO of third edition and...

LVO Results: Richard Siegler is The 2021 ITC 40k Champion, Grigar Takes AoS

The 2021 Las Vegas Open event is officially behind us and with it, the 2021 ITC season. It was a hell of an event with a ton of twists and turns and there's a lot to talk about so...

LVO Day 2: The Field Narrows

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to our ongoing coverage of the 2022 Las Vegas Open event! As we go into the final day of this year's event there's a ton of action still to happen and some incredible storylines playing...