Adeptus Mechanicus

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Look Who’s Outside Again

Another weekend that feels like a transition from one metagame reality to another - not least because I finally got to go to an in-person event for the first time since February 2020. The AdMech FAQ landed last week, and while...

Editorial Counterpoint: Admech’s CORE Problem

Games Workshop served up the Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ last week, and it's already left a bad taste in my mouth. Our Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ - Hot Take covered how these changes will impact servants of the Omnissiah, as well...

Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ – Hot Take

It happened again. Games Workshop released a book so busted that it needed a second FAQ. We covered the first iteration of changes, but GW is back on it. This new document doesn't address all of our concerns, but...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Big Summer Blowout pt.2

More tournaments, more content - that's the deal. To help make good on that, today James "Boon" Kelling is joining me to cover the lists from the Renegade Summer Meltdown GT, where many of his team were in attendance, while I'll...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Big Summer Blowout pt.1

The UK scene has fully re-opened and the US scene is going from strength to strength, and those two factors have combines to give us what I believe is our single biggest weekend of events since this column started. Obviously...

Pendulin’s Road to Goonhammer Open, Part 2: Mistakes

With our inaugural event Goonhammer Open USA fast approaching, let's follow one man's mad scramble to clear out his backlog, build as much Adeptus Mechanicus as he can, and draw some truly dumb art. I've made mistakes in my time. I...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Machine Superiority

No more quiet weeks, it would appear. For the second week running we've got five events to cover, and another blowout this weekend coming up, which sees both the Lone Star Open and the first weekend in the UK...

Ruleshammer 40k Q&A : July 16th 2021

Welcome to Ruleshammer, a collection of resources to help explain the detail and complexity of some of the more confusing rules in Warhammer 40k. This week we’re covering some more questions submitted by you, the readers, and our patrons...

Pendulin’s Road to Goonhammer Open, Part 1: Foreshadowing

With our inaugural event Goonhammer Open USA fast approaching, let's follow one man's mad scramble to clear out his backlog, build as much Adeptus Mechanicus as he can, and draw some truly dumb art. Goonhammer Open USA is just a...

Competitive Innovations Editorial: What GW Should Do About the Adeptus Mechanicus

It's that time again, apparently. After a slightly slower start, the new Adeptus Mechanicus codex has become the metagame's latest glaring issue, racking up impressive win rates and hogging the lion's share of top four slots. The raw win...