Adeptus Custodes

Hammer of Math: Kill Team Attack Sequence

Last week Primaris Kevin took a break so he could focus on getting terrain ready for the upcoming US Goonhammer Open. This week we're back, and Hammer of Math takes a look at the core attack and defense system...

Kill Team Compendium Review, Part I: Rules Overview, Building Teams, and the Imperium

The upcoming Kill Team 2.0 release is really a two-part release: The first part is the Octarius boxed set and the Core Rules that accompany it - you can find our review of the box here - and the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Look Who’s Outside Again

Another weekend that feels like a transition from one metagame reality to another - not least because I finally got to go to an in-person event for the first time since February 2020. The AdMech FAQ landed last week, and while...

White Dwarf 466: Flashpoints and Torchbearers Review

After a brief bit of downtime in last month’s White Dwarf with the excellent A Fell Tide mission, we’re back up to full speed in issue 466, jumping into the action in the Octarius Sector. This new Flashpoint details...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Machine Superiority

No more quiet weeks, it would appear. For the second week running we've got five events to cover, and another blowout this weekend coming up, which sees both the Lone Star Open and the first weekend in the UK...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Skitarii Super Sunday

It's a short introduction from me today - we've had another blowout weekend with five GT+ events to cover, and there's lots to talk about, so after one quick note we're going to dive straight in. That quick note is...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Triple Major

The majors keep coming and they don't stop coming. Another week brings us another clutch of all star top fours from Australia and the United States, with an ever-more-prepared playerbase continuing to try and stop the youthful Drukhari menace,...

Your List Sucks: The One-Box Challenge

I get real obsessed with bad ideas sometimes, and they rattle around my skull forever, caught in the wrinkles of my brain. The only way to get them out of there is to tilt my head around like one...

Your Army Sucks 2k21 Preview, Part 1: The Imperium

It’s a whole new year, and your army is likely to see some changes. Goonhammer is here to help, with an unbiased preview of every army, how it plays, and what to expect. We’ll be covering each codex with...

How To Paint Everything: Adeptus Custodes Shadowkeepers

Custodes are a fantatic faction to paint. Big, cool models with tons of details. Here I'll go over my steps for painting Allarus Custodians in their Shadowkeeper color scheme.