
Everything Games Workshop Revealed at the 2025 Adepticon Preview

Last night's Adepticon reveals were chock-full of cool new stuff for 40k, AoS, Kill Team, and The Old World. Our crew talks about the reveals, what they mean, and what we're excited for.

6 Big Predictions For AMG’s MCP Roadmap At Adepticon 2025

From all-but-confirmed to likely wishful thinking, here are seven big predictions for what MCP players might see announced with this exciting look ahead.

Greg and Andrew’s (Rail)road to Adepticon, Part 1

Greg "Klobasnek" Narro and Andrew "Hero of Team Imperium" Corban are taking the train to Adepticon from Texas and playing Necromunda the entire way. Read about part 1 of their journey and the plans they've made here.

The Salty Sea: Adepticon List Review for Warcry

Dan takes a looks at the lists for the upcoming Adepticon GT in Warcry.

[Shatterpoint] Competitive Innovations: Battle for the Title of Grandmaster

In preparation for Adepticon, our Shatterpoint experts put their rep where their mouth is with some pick 'em action.

Playin’ and Slayin’ #79 | What We Love About Frosthaven

Playin' and Slayin' is back with their first episode of the summer, and it is a scorcher! Josh, Troy, and Ty gather to talk about what they have been playing, some Adepticon Milwaukee news, and then they discuss a...

Bre4depticon – Adepticon AoS Tournament Review

What is Adepticon? Adepticon is a four-day convention located in Schaumburg, Illinois, about 45 minutes from Chicago. The event hosts a plethora of different events, including painting expos, a massive vendor hall, tournaments varying across a massive amount of game...

Games Industry News Roundup- April 16th, 2024

Here at Goonhammer, we know that it’s hard to keep track of all the news happening all the time in the games industry. So much is always going on with games of all sorts, and their related media, it...

Playin’ and Slayin’ #79 | Adepticon 2024 | The Biggest Space Hulk Game in the World

The Thunderhawk has landed, and the guys have returned home from Adepticon, the world's largest miniature gaming convention. Troy, Ty, and Josh are sharing their experiences and highlights from the event. Troy provides a detailed recap of the Space...

“Contemptor” Kevin’s Adepticon 2024: Return to Adepticon!

Adepticon 2024 is done and in the books, and I cannot be happier that I went OR that it is over. Even though I only played one game, Adepticon has so much going on that it can quickly become...