
Detachment Focus: Deceptors (Updated January 8, 2025)

We take a deep look at the Deceptors Detachment from Codex: Chaos Space Marines, looking at its rules and how it works.

10th Edition Competitive Faction Focus: Chaos Space Marines (Updated January 7, 2025)

We’ve had enough time to get to grips with the armies of 10th Edition, so over the next few weeks we’re going to be publishing a competitive faction focus for each of them, showcasing what’s been working for them...

Detachment Focus: Soulforged Warpack (Updated January 13, 2025)

We take a deep dive into the Soulforged Warpack Detachment, talk about its rules, and what makes it so powerful.

Announcing: The 2025 Goonhammer Open Canada!

Goonhammer is partnering with Gaming Under the Ice for the 2025 Canada Goonhammer Open in Winnipeg on June 21-22, 2025.

Hammer of Math: Creations of Bile Bonuses

In this week's Hammer of Math, we take a look at the different stat boosts you can get in the Creations of Bile Detachment, and how those affect damage output.

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2025, Part 1: Setting Goals and Testing Creations

The Road Through 2024 is over... now begins the road through 2025! TheChirurgeon's Road kicks off this week with plans for the new year, painting terrain, and building and testing a Creations of Bile list in a double-sized article.

[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Grotmas Detachment Tier List

Welcome to Competitive Innovations, our weekly feature for a number of game lines across the tabletop wargame space. Each week our army list and tactics experts canvass the top tournaments for their game of specialty, looking at the week’s...

White Dwarf #494 Crusade Rules Review: Raptors Chapter

We go back and review the Crusade rules for the Raptors Chapter of Space Marines, released in White Dwarf #494.

Detachment Focus: Assimilation Swarm (Updated December 30, 2024)

We take a deep dive into the Tyranids Assimilation Swarm Detachment - what's in it, how it works, and how to play it.

Hammer of Math: Grotmas Returns, Part 2

With another week of data collected from Tabletop Battles, we take a look at how Grotmas Detachments are shaping up - the good, the bad, and the ugly.