
Our Video Review of the Pariah Nexus Missions Deck

We published our written review of the new Pariah Nexus Missions pack earlier today but for people looking for a version they can watch or listen to, we've got you covered with a video version of the article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz7rnM-2zXc&t=9s There's nothing...

Goonhammer Reviews: The Warhammer 40k Pariah Nexus Missions

After nearly a year marking the first twelve months of tenth edition, Games Workshop is releasing a new Missions Pack for Warhammer 40,000. Pariah Nexus marks the second season of competitive play for tenth edition, and brings with it...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2024, Part 15: Testing Veterans of the Long War

The road through 2024 continues for TheChirurgeon, who tries out a new Chaos Space Marines army and does more work on his Night Lords bikers.

Hammer of Math: Fighting Your Way Out of Jail

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at how long it takes units to escape big tarpit threats that can tie your units up in melee for multiple rounds. Depending on the edition melee can either be a massive...

Detachment Focus: Berzerker Warband

We take a deep look at the Berzerker Warband Detachment for World Eaters and talk about what it does and how it plays.

Ruleshammer: Codex Chaos Space Marines, 10th Edition

We take a look at some of the weirdest rules and most common questions from Codex: Chaos Space Marines.

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2024, Part 14: Testing the Dread Talons

TheChirurgeon's Road Through 2024 continues as he tests out the Dread Talon Detachment and converts some Night Lords Chaos Bikers.

The Codex: Orks and Codex: Custodes FAQs Hot Take

FAQs for Codex: Orks and Codex: Adeptus Custodes dropped today and we've got the rundown of everything that changed in the new FAQs and what it means for your games.

Leagues of Votann – The Hernkyn Yaegirs Hot Take

Ahead of the release of Kill Team: Termination - which goes up for Pre-order this Saturday - Games Workshop have released an updated datasheet for the new Hernkyn Yaegirs unit for Warhammer 40,000. In this Hot Take we’re talking about the new unit, its rules, and how it fits into the Leagues of Votann army.

Hammer of Math: Chaos Space Marine Detachment Effectiveness

We take a look at the different detachment bonuses available to Chaos Space Marines and how they compare when it comes to improving raw damage output against different targets.