
20 Years Of Coda-ing – A Retro Combat Squad Story. Part 1 – Some Assembly Required

Gday fellow web dwellers! I've made some progress on the new-old squad! So now we know why I'm doing this and why the marines look like plasma overcharge survivors we can move onto cracking some 20 year old shrink wrap, busting open...

How to Paint Everything: Painting Damage – Frag Scarring

This is a short step by step for painting on an explosive blast mark. It's based on a mortar shell impact on concrete. It could also represent acid spit/splash corrosion with some green or yellow mottled into the scarring....

20 Years Of Coda-ing – A Retro Combat Squad Story. Part 0 – An Intro And Some Really Badly Painted Dudes

Sup my fellow nerds. November 2018 is my 20th year in this hobby, so in a fit of slightly tipsy nostigala I picked up this a few months ago.   Oh yeah it's the OG Space Marine Combat Squad in all it's...

Playing with the Big Boys – Primaris Kill Teams

I imagine I am not alone in liking the look of the Primaris models. These marines, far closer to true scale than previous iterations of marines, are larger, easier to paint, and hark back to the clean lines of...

How to Paint Everything: Painting Damage – Impact Craters

I'm painting these Excoriators space marines who mark the date and place of damage done to their armor. Their plate becomes a shrine to the times they have put themselves between the Emperor and the weapons of his enemies. This...

Tournament report: Corrode at Autumn Tides of War

On Sunday I attended my local shop's quarterly one-day event, Tides of War, along with Artum and One_Wing. The venue is the excellent Bristol Independent Gaming, and the format is 1500pts with 3 games, played using the Maelstrom missions...

Ways to Play: Combined Eternal War/Maelstrom

After posting my report on playing at Battlefield Birmingham recently, one of the pieces of feedback I received was that it would have been helpful to explain how the missions worked and how that would affect strategy. These combined...

Corrode at Battlefield Birmingham 14 – Day 2

Day 1 report here. I finished day 1 with a positive record, 2 wins and 1 loss. This wasn't what anyone hopes for from the first day, but it's still decent and put me in a good position for day 2. Game...

Corrode at Battlefield Birmingham 14 – Day 1

Like One_Wing I attended Battlefield Birmingham 14 over the weekend, a tournament held (unsurprisingly) in Birmingham. I'd played at the doubles in June where my partner and I did respectably with 2 wins, 2 draws and a loss, but this...

How to Run a 40k Campaign, Part 1: The Basics

At some point, I think just about every 40k player thinks about running or playing in a campaign. After all, what's cooler than the idea of having sweeping battles, where your army competes with others for the fate of...