
Corrode at Battlefield Birmingham 14 – Day 1

Like One_Wing I attended Battlefield Birmingham 14 over the weekend, a tournament held (unsurprisingly) in Birmingham. I'd played at the doubles in June where my partner and I did respectably with 2 wins, 2 draws and a loss, but this...

How to Run a 40k Campaign, Part 1: The Basics

At some point, I think just about every 40k player thinks about running or playing in a campaign. After all, what's cooler than the idea of having sweeping battles, where your army competes with others for the fate of...

Eighth Edition Zone Mortalis Rules

As soon as I saw the new Necromunda Underhive tiles, I knew that I wanted to incorporate them into my ongoing 40k campaign somehow (more on that in a future post). While ship-based combat has been well fleshed-out in...

What is to be done? State of the game, September 2018

With the September FAQ due to arrive shortly, fierce debate is once again raging over how to "fix" the balance of the game. In a way this is encouraging, because it reflects the changed circumstances of 8th edition and...