
Ritual of the Damned Review Part 4: The Lore

We've seen so far how the Psychic Awakening is enhancing latent psychic abilities across the galaxy. Prayer is more powerful, demons are surging, and Librarians from all Chapter are finding their abilities strengthened. So what happens to those who...

State of the 40k Meta: January 2020

Welcome back, dear reader, to another State of the Meta analysis. December was a busy month for Warhammer 40,000! Psychic Awakening has already given us three supplements (with a fourth on the way), plus Chapter Approved 2019 and the...

Ritual of the Damned Review, Part 3: The Thousand Sons

As we covered in our Start Competing: Thousand Sons article late last year, while the Thousand Sons are an early codex, with all the design quirks that represents, they’ve actually stayed pretty powerful, leading to a few nerfs to...

Army Showcase: TheChirurgeon’s Iron Warriors

The Painter: Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones The Army: Iron Warriors Points: About 2,500 Collected: Since 2001 The Past The year was 2001. A young TheChirurgeon was avidly buying each month's White Dwarf, and Games Workshop had just started a new series that would dramatically change his young hobby life: Index...

Schemes of War Battle Report – Black Legion vs. Custodes

In this week's Battle Report, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones is pitting his Black Legion against Custodes in a game using the new Schemes of War rules from Chapter Approved 2019!

Chapter Approved 2019 – Matched Play Mission Review, Part 2: Schemes of War

Welcome back to part 2 of our in-depth analysis of the missions released in Chapter Approved 2019. Last week, in part 1, we looked at the new and/or improved set of missions making up the Eternal War section of...

How To Build Everything: Warhound Titan

Greg Chiasson: As a Big Titan Warhound Appreciator, I've been debating posting this for a while. I wasn't sure how useful a post about a six hundred dollar resin model that takes ages to build and paint, and then...

Hammer of Math: The Lockdown Problem

In this week's Hammer of Math, Andrew "Pendulin" Haywood is stepping in for Kevin to examine objective placement in the Lockdown mission and other similar missions that have disappearing objectives.  Last week, One_Wing talked about the new Eternal War missions...

Codex Adepta Sororitas – The Lore

Sisters of Battle. Adepta Sororitas. However you want to refer to them, the Battle Sisters of Warhammer 40,000 are the militant branch of the Imperium's Ecclesiarchy. They are instruments of purification and faith, cleansing the universe of heresy and xenos via...

The Sisters of Battle Are Coming!

Although the Adepta Sororitas saw an early, limited release in November, those of us who weren't lucky enough to grab a copy of Black Friday were left waiting for the faction's full release. And with preorders going up today,...