40k narrative play

Fury of da Beast: Co-op Boarding Actions, Convoy Runs, and Assassinations

Another update from Charlie B on Fury of da Beast, this time introducing three new missions!

Fury of da Beast: Mini Campaigns Now Available in Ork Horde Mode

Today, Fury of da Beast launches three new missions, one for each phase of the game, so you can play a full mini-campaign on your own table!

Fury of da Beast: The Ork Horde Mode Open Beta Begins

Announcing Fury of da Beast, the follow up to last year's hit supplement, Fury of the Swarm! Roadmap and more inside.

Goonhammer Presents Fury of da Beast: Ork Horde Mode

Last year I put out the unofficial Warhammer 40,000 cooperative play supplement for Tyranid slaughtering, Fury of the Swarm. I was pleasantly surprised both by its reception, and by the immediate clamouring for a follow up with other armies....

Codex Blood Angels 10th Edition: The Crusade Rules Review

In the 9th Edition of Codex: Blood Angels, the Crusade rules were all about your noble and graceful Sons of Sanguinius being one step away from a bad cheese-induced daydream about some chap called Horus, having the Red Mist...