3rd edition

Goonhammer Historicals News You Can Use: Bolt Action 3rd Edition Announcement

You can't go a day on wargaming social media without someone asking about Bolt Action Third Edition, and we're here to share the announcement from Warlord Games and Osprey that it's on the way. Bolt Action was first released...

Goonhammer Reviews Codex: Necrons (3rd Edition)

Welcome to Goonhammer ‘02! We’re taking a look back to 20 years ago and some of the key releases of 2002. Today we’re talking about the release of the first ever Codex: Necrons and the impact it had on...

Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition: A 40K Player’s Review

This review is based off a preview copy of Dominion provided by Games Workshop. It's fair to say that at any give moment my brain is veritably crammed with 40K-related thoughts, and has been pretty much continously since the release...

Unboxing Age of Sigmar: Dominion

A new edition of Age of Sigmar is upon as, and with it comes an exciting new box jam-packed full of awesome new models - Dominion. This set features 60 all-new models, 21 Thunderstrike Stormcast Eternals and 39 Kruleboyz Orruks,...