10th Edition

Goonhammer’s Guide to Warhammer 40k: Leviathan

Today's release of the Leviathan boxed set officially rings in the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 with the biggest boxed set GW has ever released. We've been hard at work covering everything about the new edition - you can...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Imperial Armour Indexes

The long march of index reviews is nearly over. The last thing outstanding is to look at Imperial Armour, providing a rundown of all the Forge World goodies available to your faction that cost £200 per kit and which...

Stat Check Episode 49: A Hard Wraith’s Knight

Innes, Anthony, Jeremy and Nathan are back for yet more 10th Edition Coverage - with a bunch of games under our belt, and even more opinions on the state of the game. With discussions on all the crazy things going...

Warhammer 40,000 Combat Patrol – Goonhammer’s Initial Impressions

We’ve talked a lot over the past two weeks about what to expect from the new edition of 40k, but there’s an entirely new game mode that’ll be releasing together with the Leviathan box set that’s worth discussing: Combat...

Hammer of Math: Weapon Changes in 40k 10th Edition

This week's Hammer of Math looks at how 10th Edition will change expectations regarding some of the most common weapons in Warhammer 40k. Warhammer 40k is heavily driven by its lore, and a big part of that lore is the...

10th Edition Roundtable: Lessons Learned from Our Practice Games

10th Edition is releasing soon and we’ve got thoughts about it! In this roundtable discussion - the first of several - we’re talking about our thoughts on and reactions to the games we’ve played using the new rules. From...

Stat Check Episode 48: Sternguard Tactics

Stat Check returns for episode 48 with the full regular crew in tow. This week's topics include the previewed indexes for Tyranids, Space Marines, Space Marine Subfactions and the Various Chaos factions as well as the usual run down...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Munitorum Field Manual (Xenos)

Thanks to marines being bad for most of the edition, 9th edition made it a very good time to be a Xenos player - every single Xenos race got to spend some time at the top of the tournament...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Munitorum Field Manual (Imperium)

Imperial factions have a ton of options thanks to the ally rules, and the Agents of the Imperium gives each army the ability to add a cheap unit or two to hold backfield objectives or just be a cheap...

Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Index Munitorum Field Manual (Overview)

You’ve seen the Indexes, now see the points. The first Munitorum Field Manual of 10th Edition was published today, giving players at home the final publication they need to start building armies and slamming games. Normally we look at armies...