10th Edition

January 2025 Aeldari Model Kits – The Goonhammer Review

Along with the new Aeldari Codex come a bunch of new plastic models, and our team is here to show them off!

Codex: Aeldari 10th Edition – The Goonhammer Review

TheChirurgeon:Well, we all knew this day would come. After dominating the field at the start of Tenth edition with an Index that completely warped the game for months, the Eldar had finally been nerfed and toned down to the...

Detachment Focus: Devoted of Ynnead

We look at the new Devoted of Ynnead Detachment in the upcoming Codex: Aeldari, looking at how to build armies faithful to the Eldar god of death.

Detachment Focus: Warhost

We look at the Warhost Detachment from the upcoming Codex: Aeldari, looking at how the Index Detachment has been updated and revised for the new book.

Detachment Focus: Aspect Host

We take a deep dive into the Aspect Host Detachment from Codex: Aeldari, looking at how to play the Biel-Tan inspired forces of Aspect Warriors.

Detachment Focus: Veterans of the Long War (Updated January 9, 2025)

We take a deep dive into the Veterans of the Long War Detachment in Codex: Chaos Space Marines and talk about how to play it on the table.

10th Edition Competitive Faction Focus: Chaos Space Marines (Updated January 7, 2025)

We’ve had enough time to get to grips with the armies of 10th Edition, so over the next few weeks we’re going to be publishing a competitive faction focus for each of them, showcasing what’s been working for them...

Detachment Focus: Liberator Assault Group (Updated November 13, 2024)

We take a deep dive into the Liberator Assault Group detachment for Blood Angels - what it is, how it works, and how to play it.

Competitive Faction Focus: Death Guard (Updated November 11, 2024)

In our Faction Focus series we take a look at the game's factions and talk about their rules, their units, how they play, and what competitive lists for the faction look like. This is part of a larger series...

10th Edition Competitive Faction Focus: Thousand Sons (Updated November 8, 2024)

In our Competitive Faction Focus series we look at the factions of Warhammer 40,000 through a competitive lens, talking about who they are and what they can do, and how they play competitively. In this article we’re looking at...