Start Competing: Thousand Sons Tactics
The Thousand Sons are a traitor legion dedicated to the Chaos God Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways and master of sorcery and duplicity. Originally one of the first founding legions of space marines, the Thousand Sons turned on the Imperium after the Emperor ordered their destruction at the hands of the Space Wolves. These days the Thousand Sons are split into a series of sorcerous cabals, run by powerful Psykers who practice dark magic and command powerful legions of Rubric Marines, animated suits of armor filled with the dust that used to be their physical bodies.
Faction Overview
The Thousand Sons specialize in using Psychic Powers to make up for their lack of speed and heavier firepower. In 10th edition game terms, that primarily means dealing mortal wounds, but the faction has a ton of interesting tricks and ways to move around the battlefield that make them a powerful and unpredictable army. While they tend to the more elite side of the faction spectrum and have a limited number of datasheets, the units they have to work with are fairly powerful and it’s pretty common to see Thousand Sons armies made up primarily of battleline units.
How to Play Thousand Sons in Warhammer 40k
Looking for advice on how to play the faction? From getting started to competitive play at tournaments, we’ve got you covered.
- Competitive Faction Focus: Thousand Sons
- Detachment Focus: Cult of Magic
- Detachment Focus: Hexwarp Thrallband
- Unit Focus: Thousand Sons Leaders
- Unit Focus: Thousand Sons Monsters and Vehicles
- Hammer of Math: Thousand Sons Kindred Sorcery
- Competitive Stats for Thousand Sons
The Thousand Sons are one of the game’s most intimidating armies to paint, but with our handy guides you’ll be painting them in no time. From gold trim to gemstones to eldritch fire and pre-Heresy marines, we’ve got you covered.
How to Paint Everything: Thousand Sons
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