Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines Tactics
When Horus turned against the emperor and called for open rebellion, fully half of the Space Marine legions joined him, turning against the Emperor. While Horus was ultimately killed and his forces defeated, the surviving traitor legions fled into the Eye of Terror, biding their time and licking their wounds. In the 41st millennium they’ve re-emerged, ready to wreak havoc on the Imperium in the name of their dark gods.
Faction Overview
Chaos Space Marines act as a kind of dark mirror to the loyalist Astartes, trading in the support of the Imperial war machine for the patronage of the Dark Gods of Chaos. These dark powers imbue them with baleful energy and on the battlefield they’re able to make Dark Pacts which enhance their shooting and melee prowess. Chaos Space Marines specialize in more close-quarters fighting but have nasty shooting to go along with it, and their ability to take cheap hordes of cultists and mutants gives them the ability to spread out and cover large swathes of the table.
How to Play Chaos Space Marines in Warhammer 40k
Looking for advice on how to play Chaos Space Marines? From getting started to playing at competitive events, we’ve got you covered with these articles.
- Competitive Faction Focus: Chaos Space Marines
- Detachment Focus: Veterans of the Long War
- Detachment Focus: Deceptors
- Detachment Focus: Dread Talons
- Detachment Focus: Renegade Raiders
- Detachment Focus: Fellhammer Siege-Host
- Detachment Focus: Pactbound Zealots
- Detachment Focus: Chaos Cult
- Detachment Focus: Soulforged Warpack
- Detachment Focus: Creations of Bile
Other Articles Related to Chaos Space Marines
- Hammer of Math: Creations of Bile Bonuses
- 40k Equilibrium Points (Sustained Hits vs. Lethal Hits)
- Optimal Re-roll strategies for Critical Hits
- Hammer of Math: Forgefiends
- Ruleshammer: Dark Pacts
- Competitive Stats for the Chaos Space Marines
The following will be updated for the Codex soon!
Want to know how to paint the traitorous forces of the Chaos Space Marine legions? Check out our How to Paint Everything page for links to various legion painting guides.
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