Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Lead by Example Squad Pack Review

Today we’re featuring a review of the Lead by Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. This expansion provides several additional options for Galactic Republic themed forces in particular, with Jedi Master Plo Koon and Clone Commander Wolffe leading 104th ‘Wolfpack’ clone troopers. This box additionally provides the Padawan Ahsoka Tano model that was previously a pre-order exclusive. 

Who They Are

Plo Koon painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill
Plo Koon painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re at least passingly familiar with Plo Koon. Plo Koon is a Jedi Master known for his wisdom, tactical brilliance, and deep sense of justice. As a member of the Kel Dor species from the planet Dorin he requires a breathing mask and protective goggles to survive in oxygen-rich environments.

Plo Koon played a significant role in many key events during the Clone Wars, and shows up several times in the animated series. One of his most notable contributions was during the Battle of Abregado, where he commanded a Republic fleet against the deadly Separatist superweapon, the Malevolence. Despite suffering heavy losses, Plo Koon’s leadership and determination allowed him to survive the attack and ultimately contribute to the eventual destruction of the Malevolence.

Ahsoka painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill
Ahsoka painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill

Plo Koon found Ahsoka Tano as a young child and brought her to the Jedi Temple to be trained as a Jedi. Plo Koon acts at times as a mentor and father figure to Ahsoka. This connection helps explain why AMG chose to fully release the model in this expansion. 

104th Wolfpack Clone Troopers painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill
104th Wolfpack Clone Troopers painted for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Credit: McBill

Plo Koon is often seen at the head of the 104th clone battalion, known as the Wolfpack. This elite unit led by Commander Wolffe is known for its fierce loyalty, exceptional combat skills, and dedication to their Jedi General. Like many clone units over time, the Wolfpack developed their own distinctive armor markings and colors. Plo Koon’s relationship with the Wolfpack is characterized by mutual respect and camaraderie, as he values their lives and often places their well-being above the success of the mission. 

Plo Koon met his end during Order 66, when the clones were ordered to turn on their Jedi commanders. Briefly seen in Episode III, Plo Koon was shot down while piloting his starfighter over Cato Neimoidia. Wolffe was able to resist the effects of Order 66, and ultimately joins a unit of similarly resistant clones including Commander Rex. Wolffe later plays an important part in subsequent conflicts in the Rebels animated show in particular. Ahsoka had many more adventures to detail here, now including her own live-action show.  

Plo Koon

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Standing in a defensive pose, Plo’s model looks ready to defend his troopers at all costs. The sculpt does a good job capturing all the details of his brainy, respirator-covered head.

Plo has your standard primary stats with 8 squad points and providing 3 Force. His health is pretty standard as well. Like most Jedi he can deflect shots directed at him, so opponents may think twice about shooting at him particularly with a unit that has already taken some damage. Force Push is always a useful and powerful ability with any number of potential applications. Unfortunately you pay a steep cost of 2 Force base cost. It’s a fair cost for its power, but judicious use of it is necessary. 

Like many primaries, Plo provides some out of activation movement to another unit and potentially himself. His activation ability certainly encourages forces containing clones and padawans to take full advantage of it. If you’re playing Republic, you probably have some clones. The padawans currently available (Ahsoka and Barriss Offee), are both solid models well worth taking. So a solid ability here. 

Unfortunately Plo’s identity ability is a head-scratcher. As long as with Range 3 of a Republic character, he can gain Expose to let that character use his defensive expertise chart in place of their own. Like his activation ability, if that character was a clone or padawan, Plo can then dash toward the attacker. This rule is thematic, and captures Plo Koon’s character nicely. But in game, putting a primary at much higher risk so another model gets a better expertise chart is a poor tradeoff. Presumably you’re meant to be judicious in deciding to do it, but it’s hard to think of situations where it’s useful except in the most extreme cases. If for example you could choose to do it after seeing the results of the dice roll, this ability would be much more useful. But as is, you could put Plo into a great deal of risk and not even roll any expertise results. It’s just not a worthwhile risk. 

Commander Wolffe and the Wolfpack Troopers

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

The clone models in this box do a good job capturing dynamic movement and battle poses, helping to keep clone sculpts from getting stale or samey. Wolffe’s sculpt in particular is incredibly dynamic yet still a very solid sculpt that’s not challenging to assemble. 

These models are considered together since they’re meant to synergize with one another. They’ve got bog standard point costs and health values for clones. Wolffe does what a Secondary does, and makes other clones move out of activation. It’s a Climb move which sounds great on paper. But keep in mind if they’re engaged, they can’t Climb. And they want to be engaged; more on that in a moment. 

We see a more aggressive flavor of clone here, with a “Dash and Focus” ability instead of “Dash and Hunker” for 1 Force. An extra attack die is very welcome for clones, particularly the supporting unit. Of course that also means they’re getting fewer defensive expertise results. In theory this can play nicely with the Wolfpack and Pack Hunter rules. And sure, they’ll hit hard if you line it all up. But now you’ve got clones relying on their weakest defensive stat, who are likely to not finish off whatever they’re attacking. Wolffe tops out at 7 damage on his tree, and the supports at 4. Both have a potential three shoves on their tree, and the usual status effects. But none of it syncs together to make a compelling case for taking them. 

Ahsoka Tano

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint
Cards for the Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Ahsoka’s sculpt isn’t as dynamic as others in the line, but really captures her youthful attitude. Close attention was paid to the important subtle details of pose and stance, and that attention paid off. 

Like her older and wiser core set version, Ahsoka Tano is very mobile. She even encourages primary units to try and keep up with her via her Race Ya activation ability. Ahsoka can pay 1 Force to jump, and do it again if she wishes. Keep her near supports, and she’ll get free movement and attacks when they attack. There’s an early Jump or Reposition on her combat tree, and even a Jump deep in her defensive expertise. Ahsoka is going to be all over the board providing support, stealing points, and just generally being annoying for your opponent. She won’t do much damage on her own, but her utility makes her a great piece in any Republic team. Her Deflect and general mobility mean your opponent can struggle to deal with her. Ahsoka is the real winner of this box.


While Plo and his clones are not exciting at the moment, it’s always possible a future release or update will make them more appealing. In the meantime, let’s say you just like Plo’s Bros and want to field them. Who should you pair with him? With the tags Plo’s rules call out, you’re incentivized strongly to take Galactic Republic models, especially clones and padawans. If you want to lean into the aggressiveness of the Wolfpack, consider Mace Windu as a second primary. If you can line it all up, ARF Troopers giving Expose to whatever the Wolfpack is about to attack should amp up their effectiveness. Mace’s Rush To Action will get them down the board faster. And they certainly won’t mind him giving out Steadfast and Protection, either! 

If you want to lean into Plo Koon’s defensiveness, consider Obi-Wan as your other primary. The Wolfpack don’t get easy access to Hunker tokens like most clones, but once they get them they’ll hold on to them longer. That also means an additional chance for expertise results if you do use Plo’s identity ability. Consider taking Rex,  Ahsoka, or Barriss as the secondary, then sprinkle in the clone support unit of your choice. 


The Lead By Example box isn’t exactly setting the meta on fire, but it’s another box of solid sculpts with characterful rules. While not the most powerful additions, releases of popular characters are always welcome to the fans of the Star Wars universe.

Have you broken Plo’s Bros wide open? Share your lists and strategies below in the comments, or on the Goonhammer Discord!

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