In this article we use the force to look into the future of Shatterpoint and boldly predict the upcoming reveals from AMG at AdeptiCon. No prediction is too wild or outlandish as we reveal our hopes for the next 6-9 months of Shatterpoint. Will any of our predictions come true? As Master Yoda once said “Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future”.
Jason’s Predictions
Master Yoda and The Emperor Squad Boxes
With this year marking the 20th Anniversary of The Revenge of the Sith it feels like the perfect time to release two of the most called for primaries (and their squad boxes). While the confrontation between Master Yoda and The Emperor in the Senate Chamber would make an excellent Deluxe Duel Pack release, with the release of the I Am No Jedi Deluxe Duel Pack, I don’t think we will get two of those in a year. So instead I think we will get two squad boxes. One with Master Yoda, Tarfful as a secondary, and Wookie support units. This will be based on the Battle of Kashyyyk as shown in the movie. The counter-balance to this is the Emperor Squad Box, which will feature Emperor Palpatine, Mas Amedda (a blue alien with a set of large horns that was in the scene when Master Yoda confronts The Emperor ) as a secondary, and Royal Guards as the support. I am not brave enough to predict their squad and force points, but I hope they both have unique mechanics related to spending and refreshing force.
Captain Antilles and Rebel Fleet Troopers
What is more iconic than the opening scene in Star Wars with Darth Vader and Stormtroopers storming the Tantive IV and capturing Princess Leia. And since we have multiple Darth Vaders and various versions of Princess Leia, it’s time for some of the unsung heroes of the rebellion to be given a squad box. It could contain Captain Antilles as the primary, with a Rebel Fleet Trooper Sergeant and some Fleet Troopers as the support unit. This will be great for list building for the Rebel Alliance, and who doesn’t want a bunch of minis on the table with great big dome shaped helmets?
Nute Gunray and Destroyer Droids (Droidekas)
Ever since the release of the core box I have wanted Destroyer Droids in Shatterpoint. They could carry on the large base theme for Separatist supports, and have one per base (since B2s are 2 per base, and B1s are 3 per base). And who better to come with Destroyer Droids than Nute Gunray, who introduced them to us in Episode 1. Nute could bring 9 squad points with him, allowing the Destroyer Droids to be a 5 cost support, which would feel right for them as they would have protection, strong defense expertise, and have additional movement. Accompanying Nute would be Rune Haako, Nute’s right hand Neimoidian during the invasion of Naboo.
You Cannot Run Squad Pack
With the announcement that the I Am No Jedi will be available without the terrain later this year, I hope that AMG will do the same with their original duel pack. It will be great for the game to have these fantastic characters available for a lower price point with the terrain removed. This would be a nice bonus.

Melli’s Predictions
Sporadic card reveals for the July wave – Riff Tamson, Jyn Erso and Delta Squad
Painted Reveals – Q3 2025
Saw Gerrera Rebel cell – To me a slam dunk way to continue to expand on Rebel forces and build on media from recent years, before they loop around to bring us more from the original trilogy.
Young Han/Qi’ra – Would make sense to me from development times and Solo content has received a healthy amount of coverage in other properties.
Geonosians? Depending on how reliable the rumors are!
Further Ahead – renders only
Pride of Mandalore Unit pack – Featuring characters such as Satine Kryze and Pre Viszla, a great opportunity to flesh out some of the prominent Mandalorians from the Clone Wars
Quinlan Vos or Ayla Secura – either of these would be fun new editions to the Jedi ranks!
Wat Tambor, T-Series Tactical Droid and BX-series Droid Commandos – this would really round out the Separatist options quite well.
To close, I think a super sinister sneak peek of some Palpatine art would really set the tone for the wave of reveals to come at Ministravaganza!
We’ve had confirmation recently from Will Shick of more terrain on the way, and I think an Outer Rim styled terrain pack or two would really bring some added character to boards.
Balance Changes
None at Adepticon, with there being an outside chance we get a Ministravaganza panel in a few months.

Tom’s Predictions
Saw Gerrera
I agree with Melli that Saw and his cell are a good bet. We have Phoenix squad, Rogue one, next we can beef up the rebels with another more fringe extreme tactical cell led by Saw Gerrera. Benthic “Two tubes” as your secondary, and support we can get some fun aliens to spice the board up; Moroff a Gigoran and Weeteef Cyu-bee a Talpini for that fun ‘big guy/little guy team up’.
Duel Packs
If I was on the planning team for Shatterpoint I would syncopate to the 20th anniversary of Revenge of the Sith. Re-releasing in theatres on April 25th, how amazing would it be to have a full trailer in the vein of the launch trailer. Get some middle aged men buzzing about the ability to reenact the movie they are about to watch. Star Wars was built on the backs of the toy lines and this should be treated the same. We need some pomp and circumstance.
I would love to see Darth Vader vs. Obi Wan on a Mustafar terrain piece but since this happened surrounding the Obi Wan show, I am going to stifle this idea and say it was a bad choice overall when it came out. Personally I enjoyed the Obi Wan show but you lose the ability to have a movie duel pack. If they make another vader … we are going to start seeing a lot of duplicates.
Yoda vs. Palpatine
This will be a duel pack like the Vader/Obi box. It will come with 1-2 usable set pieces and a diorama. I would like it if they took feedback and made the diorama an actual larger piece that could be used as terrain instead of a few pieces that can be used as scatter.
Duel of Fates (Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul)
While not related to the release of Episode 3 we could get some more Jedis and an excuse to get a secondary Darth Maul. This would be like printing money and most everyone would pick it up. Qui-Gon primary, Obi-wan support and secondary Darth Maul.
Potential Clone Wars Era Characters
In no particular order:
Bail Organa | Captain Typho | Zam Wessell | Greedo | Watto | Boss Nass | Jar Jar Binks |
Tarfful | Warrior Wookies | Huyang | Satine Kryze | Aayla Secura | Cham Syndulla | Gungans |
Let’s get some theme squad packs going like Geonosians. Among these listed characters, I see a Gungan box, a Wookiee box, another Scoundrels box, and a Naboo security box.

Grimbarian Phil Predictions
So I have some outlandish ideas of what squad boxes I would like to see in the next 6-9 months for the game. Some of them are personal wants, others are squads that I think will fill holes in the range. Unlike the others I don’t think we’ll get Yoda or The Emperor this announcement, we might get them over the summer though, but these are my predictions followed by what I would like to see from each.
TK Troopers
So I’m a big fan of the Reign of the Empire era of Star Wars and think it is still far too under-utilised. TK troopers are the first generation of stormtroopers that were trained by clones to be the new fighting force the Emperor wants, but they are still semi-human at the trooper level. Picking a primary and secondary for this squad could go either way so here’s my picks:
Lieutenant Nolan, he has a distinct hatred for clones so playing into interactions there would be a great way to build him.
Imperial Clone Commando, more of a support character that buffs Support Stormtroopers either by giving them extra attack dice or movement shenanigans.
For the support we have TK Trooper. Think 212th clone troopers without defensive maneuvers as a 3 cost. Maybe give them a passive ability that makes them more effective if they are within X of a Clone Trooper to show that they are still not a true independent fighting force yet.
Governor Tarkin
A Fall of the Jedi era version of Tarkin. Tarkin in both Legends and canon is known for having a distaste for clones and would use trained human soldiers when possible. To reflect that I’ve chosen the following for the box:
Governor Tarkin, primary that buffs non-Clone Galactic Republic models on the board.
Outland Region Security Force Officer, provides buffs to other ORSF TAG units within range.
Outland Region Security Force trooper, equivalent to clone troopers but with a higher damage potential but worse expertise.
Viceroy Saxon
Mandalorians need more love and you can’t change my mind on this matter! This is the first of three boxes I think would give a wider variety of options to those that detest light sabers. This box would be in the Reign of the Empire era; it would have the Empire tag and have triggers off of both Empire and Mandalorian tags.
Viceroy Gar Saxon, a more powerful version of the secondary we already have but with a greater focus on being in engagement with the Darksaber.
Tiber Saxon, would be more akin to a stormtrooper sergeant with abilities that trigger on the Empire tag over Mandalorian
Imperial Super Commandos, a range focused unit that doesn’t have Sharpshooter but is range 5 with multiple early pushes but with a low damage potential
Clan Wren
The paired box to the above to fully flesh out the era and complete the strike force. Also from the Reign of the Empire Eea.
Countess Ursa Wren, a range focused damage dealer that buffs other mandalorian characters within X.
Triston Wren, a secondary version of Imperial Super commando above but with a reasonable damage potential
Clan Wren Mandalorians, who are more defensive oriented and want to sit on objectives.

Deathwatch Mandalorians
This will provide the CIS and Mandalorians some love. From the Fall of the Jedi era.
Pre Vizsla, another owner of the Darksaber but is more skilled with it than others.
Deathwatch Assassin, a high damage ranged attacker with low melee attack dice, is more of a lone operative.
Deathwatch Mandalorians, high damage low push version of the classic mando archetype.
General Jan Dodonna
We have some love for Rebels, but a lot of that is focused on Specter or Ewok and I think they need rounding out. Reign of the empire and/or Age of the rebellion eras.
General Jan Dodonna, a support primary that buffs defences in some way.
Rebellion fleet officer, focuses on using and abusing conditions, buffs rebelion supports.
Rebellion fleet security, can drop 2-3 conditions early on the track, more focused on slowing units down over injuring them
Echo Base
This would make a great counter box to General Veers and one that I’m surprised didn’t come out last year. This is also an alternative box that would fit General Jan Dodonna. Age of the rebellion era.
Commander Luke Skywalker, to represent his time as a true member of the rebellion, an all around attacker that gains a focus after a climb or jump. But overall should be more of a support than a combat character.
Captain Han Solo, is a contender for the secondary that focuses on keeping other characters in tip top shape.
Echo Base Deck officer, equivalent to the snow trooper sergeant, buffs units with hunker tokens.
Echo Base Defence force, equivalent to snow trooper, gains buffs when contesting objectives.
Cal Kestis
We’re coming up on the final Jedi game coming out so I wouldn’t expect this to become a reality until next year but I can dream. I personally think this would be best suited to be based off of Cal at the end of the first game.
Reign of The Empire era.
Cal Kestis Jedi Survivor, as seen at the end of the first game. In one stance he has a more powerful melee attack in the other he should have a saber throw!
Cere Junda, Jedi Knight, Similar to Shaak Ti she will provide additional force to your pool.
Dritus and Merrin, here we have a Dathamirian support that I think should be fairly powerful at range with Dritus and his 4 blasters and have some sort of damaging force ability from Merrin
This would be a companion box to Cal Kestis and an expansion onto the existing squad box, this time hopefully actually usable. Reign of the Empire era.
Second Sister, strong and agile, potentially giving buffs to other Inquisitors
Ninth Sister, moderate damage output but tanky as all hell, takes time to get up the board but isn’t going anywhere once she’s there.
Purge troopers, 2 base support, has 2 stances, powerful melee attack only or a reasonable ranged attack.
So how do you think we did? What predictions do you have? Drop us a note in the comments below or email us at
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