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Necromunday: The Lost Zone Rules Packet

Howdy, Scummers! Over the last couple of months we’ve written a lot about our Lost Zone module, which aims to ratchet down some aspects of gang war in the underhive. The Lost Zone rebalances things to make your battles feel less like a clash between well-supported paramilitary organizations and more like desperate scraps between a bunch of malnourished gangs, with all-new rules for territories, skills, gang composition, and advancements. We’ve gotten many requests to collect all of our articles on the Lost Zone in one place and today we’re happy to announce that we’ve finally done so! You can find the LOST ZONE OFFICIAL RULES PACKET by clicking the link below and downloading the pdf.



In addition to some minor tweaks and updates, we’ve also included rules for Outlaws in this version, so even if you have all the Lost Zone rules already, consider giving this a read.

We hope you enjoy these rules and if you have any feedback or questions for us, or if you just want to update us on how your own Lost Zone campaign is going, shoot us an email at