Ministravaganza 2024: Star Wars Shatterpoint Roundtable

Atomic Mass Games’ annual Ministravaganza streamed live on Thursday, July 18, 2024, through Saturday, July 20. The sophomore year for Shatterpoint is ramping up to be massive. The Star Wars Shatterpoint Road Map was the first presentation right after the opening ceremonies, with squad box introductions and sculpt reveals throughout the three-day event. Check out all the announcements and round table discussion with our contributors below. 

Shatterpoint Community Anticipation

In the official Facebook group, there is a monthly discussion with fans eagerly sharing their predictions and hopes for future releases. Here are the past month’s top predictions headed into Ministravaganza:

  • Yoda/Palpatine Dual Pack
  • Doctor Aphra, Doctor Aphra, 0-0-0 and BT-1, Black Krrsantan Squad Pack
  • Shaak Ti Squad Pack
  • Rey/Kylo/Episode 7/8/9 trilogy content
  • Qui-Gon-Gin/Sith Maul Dual Pack
  • Droidekas
  • Wookie Squad Box
  • Gungan Squad Box
  • Cal Kestis/Jedi Fallen Order Squad Box
  • Jabba/Rancor Box
  • Legacy Content: Kyle Katan/Mara Jade

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday Schedule
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Star Wars: Shatterpoint Road Map

Star Wars Shatterpoint 2024Release Timeline
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These packs have their own breakout sessions/painting sessions. We will discuss them further down the page.

  • SWP25 – We Don’t Need Their Scum Pack – November 2024
  • SWP47 – What Have We Here Squad Pack – November 2024
  • SWP16 – This Is The Way Squad Pack – November 2024

SWP36 – Good Soldiers Follow Orders – October 2024

Good Soldiers Follow Orders Squad Pack SWP36
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CT-9904, Elite Squad Leader, is the Imperial version of the Bad Batch’s Crosshair. A Primary Unit – 8sp – 2 force, his Move to Position ability allows a unit member to advance or jump, then grants an allied character within Range 3 an advance. Reflector Discs enable a ranged attack to use an allied character within Range 4 and line of sight for measuring range and line of sight. Expendable Distraction boosts a melee attack with 3 extra dice if the defender is engaged with another unwounded allied unit, at the cost of 2 damage to the engaged unit. Genetically Bred Deadeye refreshes 2 force points when wounding an enemy Primary or Secondary Unit with a ranged attack, and allows removal of conditions from the target, adding expertise per removed condition to the attack roll.

Plummer was very excited about Reflector Discs being added to the game.

Good Soldiers Follow Orders Squad Pack SWP36 2
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ES-04, Firebrand, brings a combination of strategic movement and debilitating attacks to the battlefield. With abilities that boost allied movement, inflict area damage and de-buffs, and penalize enemy engagement, Firebrand is a versatile unit capable of both offensive and defensive support.

Marching Orders allows an allied Galactic Empire Supporting character and a unit member to advance at the start of activation. Prescribed Fire targets an objective within Range 3, dealing 2 damage to each character within Range 2 and inflicting 2 damage and removing hunker from each unit within Range 2. Obscuring Flames grants hunker to an allied unit within Range 3. Can’t Stand the Heat penalizes enemy units with a Disarm and Strain when they end a move action engaged with this unit while it remains unwounded.

Goonhammer Commentary

Tom Reuhl: Good Soldiers Follow Orders looks to be a great edition to the Empire side. With the recent additions and the announcements today I think Empire is going to move to be meta. Flamethrowers seem awesome and can’t wait to protect my objectives with it.

Raf Cordero: I love the idea of Reflector Discs. We’re starting to see more and more unique abilities and I’m excited about where we’re going.

Matt JettReflector discs seem hilarious, and I think the 4 cost on Firebrand is the only thing that will keep him from being tried out with every single Empire primary. The more free chip damage you can throw around the better, and he’s yet another Empire character that can move other units around out of activation.

McBillI laughed to see the classic hero villain rock on not-Crosshair’s base. These models are doing their job as co-marketing I guess, because they’re reminding me I need to work though the rest of Bad Batch. I’d argue that Empire is quickly becoming the meta choice, and these will add to their deep list of options. It’s my fault to committing to Empire earlier this year, but boy am I tired of painting so many models all in black. Still an auto-buy for me nonetheless.

SWP46 – Maximum Firepower – November

Maximum Firepower Squad Pack
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General Veers, Tactical Genius, is a full on tactical support primary. His concentration are Stormtroopers and Stormtrooper support. He can move the troops and create massive bombardments to objectives through extra cards in your order deck. You Have Your Orders allows an allied Galactic Empire Secondary or Stormtrooper unit to advance at the start of his activation. I Will Have Results gives a Stormtrooper Supporting character within Range 4 the ability to advance, gain hunker, remove a condition, or make a 5-dice attack. Prepare for a Surface Attack places a Stormtrooper unit’s Order Card in reserve before the game starts, enabling an advance at the start of the first turn and adding 1 die to their defense rolls when in reserve. We Are the Storm each enemy within range 2 of the chosen objective may advance. Then the enemy suffers 3 damage and each allied units within range two only receive 1 damage.

The Snowtrooper Lieutenant supports Veers intentions. Press On allows a chosen Galactic Empire Supporting Unit to remove a condition and then advance at the start of the Lieutenant’s activation. Dogged Assault lets an allied Stormtrooper Unit within Range 4 take a Take Cover action immediately after completing a combat action. Commanding Presence enables a Galactic Empire Trooper within Range 3 to suffer 1 damage instead of gaining a condition. Lastly, Only Imperial Stormtroopers Are So Precise grants characters in this unit Sharpshooter [1] for enhanced accuracy. The Snowtrooper Lieutenant excels in removing conditions, providing cover, and maintaining the combat effectiveness of allied troops.

It was noted on the stream that General Veers will pair well with Vader. Ever thrusting the Empire into the top meta.

Goonhammer Commentary

Tom Reuhl: General Veers is not on my ‘go to’ Star Wars character list. When they released him into Imperial Assault I felt meh but there are only so many heroes in the Empire, so I get it. This is going to be a great pack for competitive players. I really like the bombardment aspect and I do love Vader. So I may pick this one up.

Raf CorderoI hope we see more Hoth troops and models soon. I don’t typically build for meta and value a cohesive look to my Strike Force.

Matt JettIt’s getting hard to look at these upcoming Empire releases and not start wondering if maybe they’re a little too good at what they do. Just a ton of out-of-activation movement makes it hard to imagine not contesting any objective you want, whenever you want.

McBill: Speaking of auto-buys, this box should be just that for any Empire player. My mind also immediately went to pairing Veers with Vader. Seems like a brutal combo. Don’t sleep on the Snowtrooper Lieutenant either. His condition removal in particular will be clutch. It will be interesting to see how they differentiate the Snowtrooper supports from regular stormtroopers. Veers is Empire that’s not in a black or white color scheme, so bonus for me.

SWP37 – Requesting Your Surrender – Q1

Requesting Your Surrender Squad Pack
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This pack includes Kit Fisto, Nahdar Vebb, Commander Phil, and clone troopers. It is a snapshot from “Lairs of Grievous” in Season 1, Episode 10 of the Clone Wars series. Focused on the Jedi and clones’ hunt for Grievous.

SWP50 – Wisdom Of The Council – Q1

Wisdom Of The Council Squad Pack
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Ki-Adi-Mundi, Shaak Ti, and two generic Padawan learners make up this unit, with various customization options, bringing us closer to an “oops, all Jedi” team. Shaak Ti, a secondary character, has an exciting addition that adds a Force to your pool. A first for Shatterpoint. The Padawan Jedis also come with alternative head options, including Zabrak, Rodian, and human.

SWP31 – All The Way – Q2

All The Way Squad Pack
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2025 is Rogue One oriented. Starting with the release of Andor, K2-SO, and rebel short troopers. Focused on recreating the Rogue One Strike Team.

SWP51 – Deploy The Garrison – Q2

Deploy The Garrison Squad Pack
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The answer to the Andor pack is Deploy The Garrison. It comes with Director Krennic, a Dark Trooper secondary, and both a dark trooper and shore trooper support unit. This is the largest box to be announced to date.

SWP52 – This Is Rogue One – Q2

This is Rogue One Squad Pack
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This Is Rogue One introduces Jyn Erso, Chirrut Imwe, Bodhi Rook, and Baze Malbus. It was mentioned on the stream that Bodhi’s cable backpack will be an optional build. Special attention was given to details, such as Chirrut’s laser crossbow which is used to take down a tie fighter.

SWP62 – Delta Squad, Form Up – Q2

Delta Squad, Form Up Squad Pack 2025
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Delta Squad consists of Primary Sergeant Boss, secondary Fixer, and support units Scorch and Sev. First appearance in 2005 Star Wars: Republic Commando they appeared in season three of the Clone Wars. This is the third clone primary (Edited 7/29/24 for incorrect information) and is one step closer to a winning all clones list. Specialized in handling Jedi threats.

SWP63 – Terror From Below – Q2

Terror from Below Squad Pack
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Terror from Below Squad pack featuring Riff Tamson, Nossor Ri, and two Separatist Aqua Droids. These are CIS units that appeared in season four of the Clone wars over a three episode arc over the fight for Mon Cal.

Speculation: While the Kit Fisto pack seems like it could be the Good to this boxes bad but it’s also a good accompaniment to introduce Gungans.

Goonhammer Commentary

Tom Reuhl: Overall it was a very exciting announcement panel. Rogue One content is a delight and I am looking forward to almost every pack coming out. I don’t know if my wallet can handle it all.

Raf CorderoI’m here for Kit Fisto and Ki-Adi Mundi. Also love Shark Guy and appreciate the deep cuts AMG is making with their model choices. Though I do really want to see a Rey/Poe/Finn box soon and am sad to not see any sequel era stuff on the road map.

Matt Jett: AQUA DROIDS???? I’m so excited that the nature of Shatterpoint means we get a lot of cool stuff that just wouldn’t work in Legion or other games. Having the whole Rogue One crew is cool, and getting all the different individual padawan characters is great.

McBill: The other authors here can confirm I lost my mind when I saw Rogue One models announced. I’ve been dying for those since the game was announced, and they actually did it. I love the design of deathtroopers and shoretroopers, so despite the generic poses I’m hype for them. Krennic’s sculpt absolutely nails the smarmy, OWG techbro vibe he had. The other characters all look good, (especially Baze and Chirrut) and it’s nice to get some more generic rebel types. Rebel Pathfinders were established in the old West End Games Star Wars tabletop rpg back in 1990, so it’s great to see them now firmly established in canon. Big misstep to not have your boy Pao as a model though, IMO:

Pao from Rogue one. Credit:
Pao from Rogue one. Credit:

Now that we’re getting models from the second best Star Wars media, I will increase my regular demands for models from the best Star Wars. Brasso with the brick- come on AMG!

Were there other models here? Those are cool too I guess.

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Battle Colors: No Disintegrations

We Don't Need Their Scum Unit Pack
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Dengar, Bossk, IG-11, and Boba Fett are included in We Don’t Need Their Scum Unit Pack. Dallas Kemp (Creative Director) discussed the sculpts and painting techniques. This is the first box released that cannot be played as a full team. We Don’t Need Their Scum is a character pack that includes four secondary characters to help fill out the teams you may need a more versatile hired gun. This pack continues the theme of 2024 “Empire Strikes Back” releases.

We Don't Need Their Scum
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Boba Fett, On Contract, is a highly versatile Bounty Hunter with a mix of offensive and strategic abilities. You’re Running out of Options allows a character to advance or make a 5 dice attack on an enemy Primary Unit at the start of activation. Knee Rockets deals 2 damage to up to two enemy units within Range 3 at a cost  of a force and one damage. Whipcord Launcher inflicts Pinned and Strained conditions on an enemy unit within Range 3. Dead or Alive lets Boba Fett jump towards an enemy Primary Unit character when it ends its activation. Hired Hand offers flexibility by granting either the Galactic Empire or Scoundrel tag at the end of setup, depending on the mission’s needs. Boba Fett’s brings mobility, damage, and de-buffing to any strike team he is added.

Dengar, the Demolisher, has On the Trail allowing each character in his unit to advance toward an enemy character at the start of activation. Payday grants a Tag of your choice for the turn when an Order Card is revealed. Explosive Regards deals damage back to melee attackers when Dengar is wounded, rolling 5 dice and causing 1 damage per critical and expertise result. Being Underestimated Has Its Values reduces the Force cost to reserve an allied Bounty Hunter’s Order Card. Finally, Not Just a Pretty Face provides Steadfast and Immunity to Pinned for characters in his unit. Dengar’s brings a mix of offensive and defensive abilities. It was mentioned that Dengar is a “Melee Beast” by Michael Plumber.

“Dengar’s model includes detailed elements like grenades and head wraps. His pose, inspired by Tony Konichek‘s (Asst. Creative Dir) drafts, captures his rugged bounty hunter essence. We aimed for dynamic and engaging miniatures, incorporating feedback and making adjustments during sculpting to ensure quality.” -Dallas Kemp mentioned during the live stream while painting.

He goes on to mention “Bossk, another favorite, was sculpted by Dave Kidd. We focused on creating a model that conveys his fierce Trandoshan nature.”

Goonhammer Commentary

Tom Reuhl: I am getting this pack. I have all the bounty hunters from Imperial Assault, beat the PS2 game multiple times, and have Boba Fett’s helmet on my shelf. Regarding Shatterpoint, having the flexibility and precision to build strike teams to have powers more aligned with your intent for team building. “Oh, I need more firepower and less control; I will swap XYZ with Boba Fett.” I anticipate These Bounty Hunters will slot into almost any era/squad. Of all the card art, Dengar looks a little odd to me. I hope they fix the size of his face.

Raf CorderoI am happy for Tom, though this box does nothing for me.

Matt JettI like the idea of getting a box of secondaries to expand strike team construction options, but tag synergies are so important to the game that I think these are going to end up slotting into pretty predictable places, depending on whether they have the scoundrel tag, empire tag, or something else. Great sculpts, I’m looking forward to painting yet another Boba Fett model.

McBill: This was the first project for then-new digital engineer Bryan Pierce. He definitely nailed it with these. The rules look fun and they’re flexible enough to drop in most list builds. Zuckuss and 4-LOM are conspicuously missing- possible support unit pack in the future?

FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2024

Friday Schedule
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Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Battle Colors: What Have We Here?

What Have We Here Squad Pack
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This box contains Lando, Lobot, and Bespin City Guards.

What Have We Here Squad Pack
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Lando Calrissian, Galactic Entrepreneur, is a fun and interesting character type to add to Shatterpoint. How You Doin’ Ya Old Pirate? allows a chosen non-wounded Scoundrel unit within Range 4 to advance, and lets Lando remove conditions from himself, passing them to the chosen unit. Hedged Bets enables condition removal from allied units and condition application to enemy units before refreshing the Order Deck based on how many readied force you have. Sabacc Shift grants a condition Lando lacks, refreshes 2 Force, and reshuffles his Order Card. Conflicting Responsibilities lets you choose a tag (Galactic Empire or Rebel Alliance) at setup and temporarily assign it to allied Scoundrels when revealing Order Cards. Lando’s ability to choose either Empire or Rebels makes him very versatile for any player.

It was noted on the stream that early development of Lando had a side game of Sabacc being played and was changed to Sabacc shift rules we see now.

Lobot, Computer Liaison Officer, provides significant tactical support and control abilities for allied units. Detain allows a chosen allied Scoundrel to advance and inflicts Pinned or Disarmed on an enemy within Range 3. Security Network enables an allied Scoundrel Secondary or Supporting character within Range 4 to advance and perform a 5-dice attack on an enemy contesting an objective. Battlefield Calculations grants an immediate focus action to an allied unit that ends movement within Range 2 of Lobot. Lockdown ensures that as long as Lobot is not wounded, opponents cannot remove control tokens from objectives contested by his unit. Lobot was the first character they had to design what ‘Police Force’ feels like in Shatteroint.

Goonhammer Commentary

Tom Reuhl: Having Lando as a primary is not on my Shatterpoint bucket list. This box will be great for anyone running a Rebels strike team with Han or Luke primaries. However the ability to switch sides like Agent Kallus adds to his value. This seems like a fun box but not a day one purchase for me.

Raf CorderoA proper control archetype is emerging!

Matt JettHere’s a good spot for those bounty hunters to land, swapping Lobot’s control for some extra damage. Putting a condition on Lando in exchange for refreshing 2 force and not having to activate him if you didn’t want to seems like a heck of a deal.

McBill: I like how weird Lando’s rules are, and he has a lovely sculpt. I’m pretty committed to the Empire for the time being so it’s not something I’m looking to purchase. But I respect how hard this box goes with new, wierd rules and interactions.


Star Wars: Shatterpoint – War Table: Key Operations

Shatterpoint Operations
image created by Tom Reuhl, image rights Hasbro, Inc.

Key Operations, a new game mode, was announced. Designed differently than the first trilogy of competitive play objective packs Will Schick mentions “They are all based around our desire to grow the game and create a balanced play environment for standard play, and then we’ll be able to juxtapose that conversation with what key operations are meant to be.” This will allow for a more narrative-driven and asymmetric gameplay experience, where each side has distinct goals and ways to achieve them, making the game feel dynamic and engaging.

Operations 1
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You can get two print-and-play missions now! The rules and the two new missions are already available on their website. The missions will consist of infiltrating and blowing up a base, an extraction mission, and a prison break mission (released later this year) that will create a full campaign.

Key Operation objectives
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Introduction of Armored Targets

In “Key Operations,” you don’t take the objective by just standing near it, they can be attacked. This introduces a new rule for armored targets. Armored targets have defense values for both ranged and melee attacks, but they don’t have attack values as they don’t attack or retaliate. They will utilize a combat tree mechanic. When the aggressor attacks an armored target like the core shield, they compare their combat tree results to the icons on the armored target’s tracking card. They need to pull matching game symbols. For instance, if a combat tree result has a shove icon and the armored target’s tracker has a shove as its next icon, they place a token on it and move to the next icon.

We were teased by Plummer that some armored targets would eventually attack.  Hinting at turrets or security systems we made need to attack. This would further the strategy of what your team would comprise to take down these new threats.

Introduction of Slicing

Once the core shield is brought down, the aggressor needs to start a chain reaction. This involves slicing into the computer mainframe. The slicing mechanic is akin to a dice game. The player rolls dice looking for specific results to cover different locations on the chain reaction card. When all the required locations on the card are filled, the aggressor sets off the chain reaction and wins the game.

The defender can interfere by repairing the core shields or antihacking the mainframe, effectively removing the aggressor’s progress. This creates a push-pull dynamic where the aggressor tries to complete their objectives while the defender works to slow them down or reverse their progress.

New Strategy

Different units will be good at changing and evolving parts of the core shield’s damage track and slicing. Units with early condition results in their tree can help get through the condition step, while units with shoves can handle those parts of the tracker. This means each unit has value and contributes, differing from attacking a character. This will need different strike teams than competitive play and a different strategy to make sure you have a well-thought-out team for the mission you are going on. Very thematic to build the right team to get the job done.

The Final Tease: Galactic Legends

Galactic Legends
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Galactic Legends is a new game mode designed to put players in control of superpowered main characters like Anakin Skywalker, Asajj Ventress, and Darth Vader. It offers a highly narrative and objective-based gameplay experience, similar to ultimate encounters in Marvel Crisis Protocol.

The players control a main character at their full power, with enhanced abilities and stamina (e.g., 19 stamina for Asajj Ventress). These characters are designed to sweep through enemies and dominate the battlefield. One player will control the Galactic Legend while two other players control teams trying to bring down the Galactic Legend. The teams fighting the Galactic Legend will consist only of secondary characters and support units, creating a unique dynamic.

Galactic Legends will have multiple types of order cards: aggression, defense, and mobility. It will also have a special Shatterpoint card, which activates a powerful Legend ability. Each Galactic Legend comes with minions (e.g., B1 Security Forces for Asajj Ventress) that assist them on the battlefield. This will create a whole new layer of gameplay and bring in an extra friend to boot.

Public Beta

Galactic Legends will enter a public beta to gather feedback and refine the game mode. This process strives to bring the game mode to players faster and ensure it meets their expectations. The public beta is expected to launch around September 2024, with feedback from players helping to shape the final product. The goal is to provide a polished and engaging experience that reflects the community’s desires.

Goonhammer Commentary

Tom Reuhl: After chatting with Plummer about the first year of Shatterpoint and the future, this is significant for the game’s direction. We have been provided a trilogy of Objective packs that fulfill a ‘capture and hold’ game, a push and pull. The community was clamoring for diversity, and they delivered. I can’t wait to run multiple campaigns with different groups of friends. I now need a scale ship with a stand for the transport mission. This is the type of stuff I can see my daughter and I recreating some of our favorite narratives with our favorite characters that may not be great fighting 1v1 in Standard Mode.

Raf Corderolove the MCP Ultimate Encounters and am really excited to see something similar arrive in Shatterpont. New game modes has been something we’ve all wanted, happy to have the first wave.

Matt Jett: These seem fun, and I’m always happy to see the non-competitive scene (the vast majority of players) get something new and cool to do. The game is already complex enough that I don’t know that adding more layers on top of that will be great for lower-stress games, but I’m definitely willing to try it out and I hope it works well.

McBill: I need to play this one to get a feel for it, but it’s always nice to have new options. Galactic Legends will let you live out your Mary-Sue power trip fantasies, featuring an extremely overpowered version of an existing model versus an opposing strike team made up of only secondary and supporting units. This sounds tough to balance, which is probably in part why they’ll be releasing this for open beta-test soon. I can see this being a fun one to play with my son, who’ll enjoy just wrecking everything in sight with an Anakin or Vader, for example.

We did hear a hint that a fourth standard mission pack is coming, and it will not have a priority objective mechanic in struggles 2 and 3. That sounds interesting. We also heard about other types of objectives that will need to be destroyed or otherwise interacted with rather than just ‘stand within 2 of this point’. Here’s hoping some of that gets translated to standard formats as well.


Saturday schedule
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Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Battle Colors: Walking the Path of the Mandalore

SWP16 – This Is The Way – November 2024

This is the Way Squad Pack
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This box contains The Armourer, Paz Viszsla, and Nightwatch Mandalorians.

This Is The Way Squad Pack
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Paz Vizsla is a resilient and supportive Mandalorian unit. We Are Mandalorians! allows allied Mandalorians within Range 4 to remove a damage or one condition and Jump if they are Supporting characters. I’ll Cover The Rear enables a reactive 5 dice attack and movement when an allied character within Range 2 is targeted if the stance is Heavy Firepower. Go. There Are Too Many. This Is The Way triggers when the unit becomes wounded, allowing it to remove detrimental effects and retaliate with a 5-dice attack. Descendent of the Great House Vizsla provides Steadfast while in the Fearless stance and prevents the unit’s Order Card from being reserved if it has injured tokens.

Paz is also the first Secondary Unit with a double-sided stance card.

This Is The Way Squad Pack 2
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With the card introduction of the Covert Mandalorians, you can see the theme of Mando’s reveal itself. It’s a lot of jet packs, staying close together, and a good amount of flexibility with the Sharpshooter 1 or Impact 1 till end of turn with Mandalorian Armaments.

Goonhammer Commentary

TheReuhler: This is a great box. Hopefully, once this comes out, you can create a full-strike team of Mandalorians jet-packing all over the map. Taking the base set Mandos, Din Djarin, Sabin Wren, and this box should make for a fun team. Who doesn’t want a strike team of helmeted badass warriors, even if they are not competitive.

McBill: We’re getting closer to ‘Oops! All Mandos!’ being an option. These are absolutely lovely models, especially Paz Viszla. What a banger of a sculpt there! These are outside my Empire / Rogue One focus but the sculpts are too good to not get, I think.

Goonhammer Final Thoughts

Tom ReuhlAnother fantastic Ministravaganza in the books. over 4k words just to recap what we saw just for Star Wars Shatterpoint. A long list of squad/unit packs I plan to pick up and need to start budging for! Unfortunately had a very busy weekend while all this was announced, so come Monday I am going to be firing up my printer. I need to plan out a table set up for the first mission. Watch out Terrain Talk!

never going to recover
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Raf CorderoAbsolutely massive amount of stuff, happy to see the amount of support the game is getting. I also appreciate how committed they are to the Clone Wars era, it’s an exciting time period and the show matches the pace of the game. My biggest excitement is for the new game modes, as I think they’ll breathe fresh life into a game that didn’t need it and just make it even more appealing.

Matt Jett: I love that we’re getting so much stuff, but my wallet is less happy. Everything looks cool, I don’t see a single dud rules or model-wise, and everyone is getting something. The game is in a great spot, and I feel like the only thing I’d really like more of that we’re not seeing is more terrain options.

McBill: That Terror From Below box sure is a weird, deep cut huh? Respect that they went for it. AMG is hitting its stride now, with a year of the game being live. I look forward to seeing where things go from here. And give the people what they want! (What they want is Andor.)

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