Legions Imperialis: Troublemaker Epic Bases Review

A few months ago I backed the Troublemaker bases kickstarter, for 25mm round epic bases suitable for the infantry that they make. These are available on their website here. This has recently delivered, so I thought I’d take the time to review them.

Troublemaker Games 25mm infantry bases for Epic Scale.

The bases come in sprues of 16, with each base having a different design but with some design elements being repeated. They all have five slots for infantry, and are all urban style bases not hugely dissimilar to the 25mm GW bases, though with more variety in terms of height and with a wider range of designs.

The sprue makes me think it may be made using an aluminium tool, but the detail is crisp and the molding good. 16 different designs means it is unlikely you’ll repeat a base within the same detachment.

Do they snugly fit the infantry from the previous four editions of Epic?

Yes, they do, and here’s the photo evidence.

Troublemaker bases with 1992 Epic Eldar infantry .

I found the clean up fairly easy, and in order to use my chosen epic storage solution, magnetic sheets in plastic storage boxes, I used Gorilla Glue and 1mm x 10mm magnets.

It’s magnet time. 10mm x 1mm size.

I separated the bases from the sprue, cleaned up the sprue nubs with a craft knife, and undercoated them black.

Mechanicus Standard Grey, I’ve almost finished my fourth pot and it’s all been on bases and terrain.

A few highlights and picking out some detail later, followed by a gloss varnish and I have this.

Troublemaker 25mm plastic base – painted – credit Thundercloud


This is a solid product that’s perfect for people who either have infantry left over from the last four editions of epic (like me), are using the metal Troublemaker/Vanguard miniatures or using any other epic scale figures with small circular bases.

I backed the kickstarter for this to explicitly get a big pile of bases to use with Ork and Eldar figures, and I’ll be building up based armies of these over the next year or two. I needed a nice basing solution for those figures, and these hit the exact spot.

If you’re basing for Legions Imperialis and using old Epic figures, or creating new Epic forces to match the new circle meta, it’s a very useful product.

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