HTPE Star Wars Shatterpoint: This Is The Way Squad Pack

Greetings fellow Nerfherders! The Mandalorian is one of my favorite Star Wars properties by a very long measure, and I have loved the history and stories of Mandalore and the Mandalorians since they were really fleshed out in The Clone Wars.  That being said, I have always dreamed of being able to run nothing but Mandalorians in a game of Shatterpoint, and thanks to the release of “This is the Way”, I can finally do just that.  Here is how I painted each of the four miniatures found in this box.  

The Armorer

  1. For the Armorer’s torso, I wanted it to have a reddish look to it.  I basecoated it with GW Rhinox Hide because while it is a brown, it has some red tone in it.  I then kicked up the highlights and forced lighting with using Pro Acryl Bold Pyrolle Red down the center of the model.  
  2. The iconic helmet was the next important part to me.  I basecoated it in Vallejo Model Color Yellow Ochre so it would be brown with yellowish tones to begin with, and really make my highlightling job a littel bit easier.  Next, I did my typical “comic style gold NMM” method by creating very stark but progressively more narrow bands of yellow using Vallejo Model Color Flat Yellow and Vallejo Model Color Ice Yellow.  
  3. For the leather of the gloves and boots, I didn’t want to spend a ton of time on them because I wanted the attention to stay on the helmet and torso area.  I basecoated them in GW Rhinox Hide and then gave them a single highlight with Vallejo Model Color Parasite Brown.
  4. The hammers were also a very quick paint job, and I gave them a Pro Acryl Brown Grey basecoat followed by spot highlights of Pro Acryl Bright Warm Gray.
  5. Lastly, I painted the fur on her back with Rhinox Hide and then highlighted individual strands with GW Deepkin Flesh because it is a mostly white shade of flesh, but was not as stark a transition from the brown undercoat as going to a pure white would have been.

Image: @goonhammer_beezer (IG)

Paz Vizla

  1. I wanted to make sure I made the blue armor on this model stand out from the rest of the models in this box, so I began with a basecoat of GW Kantor Blue and then highlighted it with one of my absolute favorite blues, Vallejo Game Air Magic Blue.
  2. For the lighter areas of armor, I wasn’t really sure how it would turn out, but I started with a base of Vallejo Model Color Iraqi Sand and highlighted with Vallejo Model Color Ice Yellow.  The colors ended up playing really well with each other and kept it looking very light, but not overly brown.
  3. Much like The Armorer, I used Rhinox Hide and Pyrolle Red to give he leathery areas a more reddish tone.  
  4. I painted all of the metallic areas on the model with my usual Pro Acryl Brown Grey and Pro Acryl Bright Warm Grey.

Image: @goonhammer_beezer (IG)

Covert Mandalorians

  1. I went against the box and card art for these two models. I wanted to keep them simple, but striking, so I settled on a purple/yellow/grey scheme.  For the purple sections, I started with Scale 75 Eldandil Violet and then highlighted it with Vallejo Model Color Blue Violet
  2. For the yellow sections of the armor, I based them with GW Averland Sunset, and then highlighted up with Flat Yellow and Ice Yellow.  
  3. Finally for the grey sections, I started with GW Eshin Grey and highlighted it up with GW Stormvermin Fur.  For the exhaust, I started with Vallejo Game Color Glacier Blue and then used Pro Acryl Fluorescent Orange and Yellow.

Image: @goonhammer_beezer (IG)

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