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How to Paint Szarekhan Dynasty Necrons – TheChirurgeon’s Method

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Necrons. To return to that series, click here.

The new “default” scheme for the Necron faction, the Szarekhan Dynasty offers a scheme which is a little more complicated than the Sautekh scheme… but only barely. The scheme is still pretty easy, and if you want something that isn’t standard silver Necrons, it’s an easy way to change things up.

To kick things off, I started by priming this model with Leadbelcher spray.

Step 1. Basecoats

I start here by basecoating the raised parts of the model with Balthasar Gold, leaving the underskeleton painted Leadbelcher. The gun gets painted with a couple of coats of Black Legion Contrast paint, then highlighted with Corvus Black. 

Step 2. Green Parts

It’s time to add the green. This is just a couple thin coats of Warpstone Glow to the orbs, cabling, coils, and eyes.

At this point

Step 3. Washes and Highlights

I wash the underskeleton with Nuln Oil, and wash the copper parts of the body with Agrax Earthshade. I’ll highlight the copper parts again with Balthasar Gold, then edge highlight those bits with Runefang Steel. The green parts of the gun I’ll highlight with Moot Green, working up to it with some blended shades on the cabling. Finally the gun itself is edge highlighted with Mechanicus Standard Grey.

And that’s it. Super easy to paint, only really 1-2 steps more than going flat silver.

Credit: Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Necrons. To return to that series, click here.

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