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How To Paint Everything – White Scars Space Marines

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here.

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look how to paint well, everything, with a look at different techniques and approaches from different artists. Today we’re looking at the White Scars space marines.

The White Scars are the First Founding Chapter created from the breakup of the Vth Legion at the end of the Horus Heresy. Never one of the biggest Legions, the White Scars spent the Great Crusade operating far away and alone. They spent little enough time at the sides of their brother Legions that neither loyalist nor traitor were confident of which side they would end up on during the Horus Heresy.

Unlike nearly every other Legion of Space Marines, who could best be likened to a hammer, the White Scars are a rapier, striking quickly and then withdrawing. The warriors of the White Scars favor mobile assaults, whether from the back of a bike, a Rhino, or an Impulsor. Unlike the Ultramarines, who plan everything to the finest detail, they eschew planning, flowing where the battle takes them. The White Scars have been described as the wind, everywhere and yet nowhere.

The White Scars were the third Loyalist Legion on Terra at the culmination of the Horus Heresy, fighting with the Imperial Fists and the Blood Angels to defend the Imperial Palace. Mounted on their bikes, the warriors of the Vth legion retook the Lion’s Gate spaceport from the Traitor forces, preventing resupply to the forces on the ground, and prompting the conflict on the Vengeful Spirit.

Covered in this Article:

  • How to paint White Scars, with multiple methods for tackling white power armor.
  • Multiple methods for how to paint Heresy-era White Scars, who use a similar scheme with some different visual elements.
  • Notes on the Heraldry of the Chapter and how they mark companies and squads.

White Scars Heraldry - Click to Expand

Painting White Scars

White Scars are an incredibly vibrant mix of white armor and red iconography, which can lead to all sorts of fun cleaning up overspill. For all the difficulty painting them, they make for a truly striking army on the table. In addition to our regular authors, we’ve brought in two guest painters, Ghazk and OhDearGodNo, to talk about how they approached painting their army. 

Alfredo's Method - Click to Expand

TheChirurgeon's Method - Click to Expand

Ghazk's Method - Click to Expand

Soggy's Method - Click to Expand

Final Thoughts

The White Scars are unique among first founding chapters in having white armor, and that can make them daunting to paint – if you mess up on that red it’s going to be a pain to fix. That said, they aren’t too bad to paint and if you’re careful with your red work, you shouldn’t have much to fear when it comes to touch-ups.

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This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here.