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How to Paint Everything: Ultramarines Space Marines

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here.

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at how to paint well, everything, with a look at different methods from different artists. In this article we’re looking at what is perhaps the most famous of space marine chapters and the face of Warhammer 40,000: The Ultramarines.

What can be said about the Ultramarines that you don’t already know? They are the poster boys of Warhammer 40,000 and for many people, they probably are the first thing that come to mind when they think of 40K. This has also led some people to think that Ultramarines are boring Mary Sues compared to more divergent chapters like Black Templars, Blood Angels, or Space Wolves. Those people are wrong.

As the Thirteenth Legion of Space Marines, they were second only to the Luna Wolves in conquests during the Great Crusade and were the biggest Legion by far. They were notable for the mini-Imperium established by their Primarch, Roboute Guilliman, known as the 500 Worlds of Ultramar. Unlike most of the grimdark bullshit of 40K, Ultramar is actually a cool place to live by most standards, where people can live out relatively happy lives and enjoy some semblance of peace and prosperity. Guilliman did not see Space Marines as Eternal Warriors but instead believed that developing peace-time skills like statesmanship was just as important as warfare. The fluff often makes note of Space Marines’ superhuman minds and ability to process data far more efficiently than baseline humans, but Ultramarines are one of the only chapters that actually leverage this capability for something other than war. So that automatically makes them pretty cool.

Following the Heresy, Guilliman established the Codex Astartes, which is basically the How To: Space Marines manual. In 40K, Space Marines are often defined by how they adhere to or diverge from the Codex. The Codex dictated that Legions be broken into Chapters, established standard doctrines, battle company composition, squad heraldry, etc. While the Ultramarines obviously follow the Codex quite closely, they aren’t nearly as dogmatic about it as some chapters (like the Hammers of Dorn or Black Consuls); one of the first things Guilliman did when he came back was a big re-write of the Codex and current fluff makes it seem more like a living document than a holy text set in stone.

In the 41st Millennium, Ultramar is still mostly a cool place but it’s seen its share of trouble between a Hive Fleet invasion known as the First Tyrannic War (which wiped out the entire First Company of the Ultramarines) or the more recent incursion by the Death Guard that devastated idyllic worlds like Iax and serves as the setting for the Dark Imperium starter box. Most recently, Ultramarines find themselves running point on Vigilus, pushing back Xenos and Chaos forces to prevent the Imperium Nihilus from being completely cut off from the Imperium proper.

Covered in this Article

  • Schemes from different painters for how to paint the Salamanders, including the chapter’s Pre-Heresy look.
  • Tips on how to paint the Ultramarines Primarch, Roboute Guilliman
  • Notes on the heraldry and iconography of the Ultramarines

Ultramarines Heraldry - Click to Expand

Painting Ultramarines

Alfredo's Method - Click to Expand

RichyP's Method - Click to Expand

JD's Method - Click to Expand

Campbell McLaughlin's Method - Click to Expand

Campbell's 2nd Edition Ultramarines - Click to Expand

There’s really just one special unit for the Ultramarines who needs his own article, and that’s the Ultramarines’ Primarch, Roboute Guilliman. You can find our article on How to Paint Roboute Guilliman here.


Final Thoughts

The Ultramarines may be the boy scouts of the Adeptus Astartes but they’re far from boring, with lots of unique characters and opportunities for interesting heraldry and special elements like laurel wreaths and cloth. They’re a rewarding faction to paint and play and unique in that regardless of what model you buy, you can always reference the box art for an example of a well painted model.

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This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Space Marines. To return to that series, click here.

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